Vice President Asks Provincial Government To Work Concretely Handling Disadvantaged Regencies
PALU - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin hopes that the Provincial Government will make innovative concrete efforts in realizing the acceleration of the elimination of underdeveloped districts.
"The determination of the lagging area is a form of government alignment with the districts that are still lagging behind, both from the economic aspects of human resources (HR) as well as basic facilities and infrastructure," said Ma'ruf when opening a national coordination meeting to accelerate regional development left behind in Palu, Central Sulawesi. reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, October 3.
Ma'ruf explained that in 2020, 62 districts were designated as underdeveloped areas and this became a reference for the government to focus on paying special attention during the 2020-2024 period.
Therefore, ministries and institutions involved in efforts to eradicate underdeveloped districts are asked to continue to accelerate, collaborate with parties, including the provincial government.
"This effort is in line with Indonesia's 2045 gold vision, which is to become a developed and prosperous nation accompanied by a quality productive generation and able to compete with other developed nations," he said.
Towards this vision, he said, the contents of equitable regional development, poverty reduction and the elimination of extreme poverty and acceleration in the frontier and outermost regions (3T) are the focus of the current government.
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According to data from the Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration (Kemendes-PDTT) from 2004 to 2019 has completed 182 districts behind, and it is targeted that in the period 2020 to 2024 there will be 25 districts completed.
With these acceleration steps, next year there will still be 37 lagging areas left behind for hardening.
"I appreciate the work of the Central Sulawesi Provincial Government to be able to eradicate the remaining three districts, namely Sigi, Donggala and Tojo Una-una Regencies. The completion of the three areas, Central Sulawesi has been separated from the category of disadvantaged areas," said Ma'ruf.
The vice president advised other provinces that are already free from disadvantaged areas to maintain that title, because this is not only related to lagging behind, but also intersects with poverty.
"The seriousness of the Central Sulawesi Regional Government so that it is followed by other provincial governments that still have disadvantaged areas," said the Vice President.