TASPEN Supports The Mutual Cooperation Movement To Sign Trees To Suppress Air Pollution
JAKARTA - PT Dana Tabungan dan Asuransi Pegawai Negeri (Persero) atau TASPEN berkomitmen untuk berkontribusi dalam meningkatkan kualitas hidup masyarakat dan mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi dengan mempertimbangkan faktor pendidikan, kesehatan, dan lingkungan hidup.
For this commitment, TASPEN took part in the Gotong Royong Boyong Tree movement initiated by the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (KBUMN). Through this Social and Environmental Responsibility Program (TJSL), TASPEN planted and distributed 1,000 trees in a number of TASPEN Group offices in the Jabodetabek area to overcome air pollution in the Jakarta area and its surroundings.
The tree planting activity was carried out symbolically by TASPEN's Board of Directors and witnessed by all TASPEN personnel at the TASPEN Headquarters Courtyard, Central Jakarta, Monday, October 2.
TASPEN AS President Director Kosasih said TASPEN's participation in the Gotong Royong Boyong Tree movement is TASPEN's commitment to maintaining environmental sustainability and making a real contribution in overcoming the impacts of climate change.
"This is in line with the direction of the Minister of SOEs, Erick Thohir, who stated that to overcome the problem of air pollution in Jakarta, it must start from SOE personnel. I believe and believe that the Gotong Royong Boyong Tree movement will be effective in reducing the problem of air pollution. In the future, TASPEN will continue to contribute to preserving the environment," he explained, in his statement, Tuesday, October 3.
There are various types of plants planted at the TASPEN Group office, including water guava, mango, crystalline guava, and Jamaican guava. These plant seeds were directly imported from the Megamendung Organic Forest nursery, Bogor, West Java. For a larger impact, tree planting is not only carried out at the TASPEN Headquarters, but is also carried out by all TASPEN Group employees in the Jabodetabek area.
TASPEN Finance Director Rena Latsmi Puri said the Gotong Royong Boyong Tree movement is a tangible manifestation of TASPEN through the TJSL program in reducing pollution that occurs in the Jakarta area.
"The impact of planting this tree is expected to make air cleaner, reduce the impact of global warming, and absorb air pollution in the Jakarta area. TASPEN through TJSL will continue to support tree planting programs that have a direct impact on the environment and the Indonesian people," said Latsmi.
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In addition to the Gotong Royong Boyong Tree movement, TASPEN also contributes to the environment through the TASPEN Lestari program, namely the mangrove tree planting program around the coast of Cirebon, Semarang, Tanjung Pinang, Kupang, Pontianak, and Denpasar. This program is a collaboration program between TASPEN and the Regional Government to support environmental sustainability.
For this environmental and social conservation effort, last June TASPEN won two awards at the 2023 TOP CSR Awards organized by Top Business Magazine.
The two awards include the 2023 #4 TOP CSR Awards and the 2023 TOP Leader on CSR Commitment Award to the President Director of PT TASPEN, AS Kosasih. TASPEN fully believes that optimal benefits to the community can be achieved by prioritizing moral and ethnic principles in the company's performance.