Puspayoga Star: Exchanged Baby Delivery Becomes A Securities For Health

JAKARTA - The Minister of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection, Bintang Puspayoga, said that the case of exchangeed babies in Bogor, West Java, is expected to be a lesson for hospitals or other health institutions. He hopes that they will be more careful so that similar incidents do not occur in the future. "Hopefully, this process can provide benefits, especially for both families. In addition, it can also be a lesson for all parties, especially for hospitals, maternity hospitals, and other health institutions to be more careful, so that similar incidents do not happen again in the future," said Bintang Puspayoga in a statement, Jakarta, Saturday, September 30. He said this while attending the process of handing over babies to their biological parents at the Bogor Police, as well as witnessing the signing of the minutes of the handover process of the two children. "The highest appreciation to all parties who have been involved in guarding this case from the beginning to the present day can be carried out the process of ending the bond building for one month after they were separated for one year with their biological parents," he said.

Upaya pengembalian anak secara resmi ini sejalan dengan amanat yang tertuang dalam Undang-undang Perlindungan Anak Pasal 7, bahwa "setiap anak berhak mengetahui orang tuanya, dibesarkan, dan diasuh oleh orang tuanya sendiri".Sementara , kedua belah pihak keluarga yaitu Ibu Siti dan Ibu Dian pada kesempatan tersebut menyampaikan apresiasi dan terima kasih kepada semua pihak yang telah mendampingi dan memberikan dukungan selama masa transisi hingga proses penyerahan anak kepada orang tua.Kedua keluarga bersyukur akhirnya dapat bertemu dan berkumpul kembali bersama anak biologis-nya.