Now Telegram Can Post Stories
JAKARTA - Last month, Telegram celebrated its 10th anniversary. Now Telegram founder Pavel Durov announced several updates to Channels on his platform.
Starting now, Telegram is launching the Boost system, which allows Premium users to be able to give their favorite channels the ability to post stories.
"More upgrades mean more stories per day for a channel. Every 24 hours users can reassign their upgrades," wrote Durov in his Telegram channel, quoted Tuesday, September 26.
Additionally, Telegram will also be bringing reaction stickers to their stories. These stickers allow viewers to respond with more emojis in just one tap.
Furthermore, almost like Instagram stories, Telegram now features the ability to add new audio files to create a suitable soundtrack for your story.
Don't forget, Telegram also has a new appearance, and settings for the new View Once feature for sending photos or videos. If you usually have to choose how long the photo will be visible to the person you are talking to, you can now choose the View once option.
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This feature is actually similar to the feature on WhatsApp, where the recipient of the photo once seen will not be able to see the photo again when they close the photo.
Lastly, every time someone logs in to your account, Telegram sends a notification to all your devices. To make alerts more visible, new logins will now appear at the top of your chat list.