Bahlil Accuses Foreign Parties Of Involvement Behind The Conflict On Rempang Island
JAKARTA - Investment Minister/Head of the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) Bahlil Lahadalia accused foreigners of involvement behind the conflict that occurred on Pulau Rempang, Batam, Riau Islands.
As is known, the situation on Pulau Rempang some time ago was volatile in line with the rejection of residents who were threatened with being evicted due to the construction of the National Strategic Project (PSN) of Rempang Eco City.
Bahlil emphasized that no government wants to harm its people. He also asked that the shift in this residential area not be brought into the political realm.
"And there is no government that is suffering for its people, let alone being drawn into problems that, apologize because this is a political year, don't bring it there," Bahlil said at a press conference at the BPKM Office, Jakarta, Monday, September 25.
Temuan saya sebagai tim, saya tahu siapa barang ini yang ikut main. Tapi yakin teman-teman bahwa tidak hanya dari dalam negeri, saya tahu kok siapa yang di Luar Negara," sambungnya.
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Even so, Bahlil said, every time a large investment enters Indonesia, something always gets in the way.
According to him, there are countries that are not happy to see Indonesia.
But unfortunately, Bahlil was reluctant to reveal which foreign parties came from which countries were involved in the conflict that occurred on Pulau Rempang.
"In that competition, there is a strategy that does not want the country to progress or compete with their country in the context of foreign relations. There is governance and ethics, I cannot convey which country," he said.