Reaching 500 Cities in Indonesia, Reku is Committed to Answering the Challenges of the Crypto Ecosystem in Indonesia

JAKARTA - Reku, an Indonesian crypto exchange and market platform, announced their success in reaching users in more than 500 cities/districts in Indonesia.

This achievement shows the increasingly strengthening optimism of the crypto market, and confirms Reku's position to become a market leader in this industry.

Robby, Founder & Chief Compliance Officer (CCO) of Reku, as well as General Chair of the Indonesian Crypto Asset Traders Association (ASPAKRINDO) said that this achievement was thanks to Reku's continuous efforts to increase crypto adoption, as well as its commitment to responding to challenges in the Indonesian crypto ecosystem.

According to him, the main challenges faced are security issues and negative sentiment towards cryptocurrencies caused by irresponsible 'individuals' and policy inconsistencies.

"In fact, everything depends on the extent to which the platform provider complies with existing regulations," said Robby in a statement received in Jakarta on Wednesday, September 20.

However, to overcome these challenges, Reku has ensured that its operational security is in line with government regulations, with ISO 27001 certification to protect user security, implementing double authentication, as well as encryption that meets international standards.

"We have also obtained BAPPEBTI permission for the staking feature. Apart from that, we regularly release Proof of Reserve (PoR) which is tested and audited accurately," he added.

Robby continued that the investment and crypto literacy also play an important role in answering these challenges. With good literacy, Robby feels that people can be wiser in making investment and risk decisions.

"Therefore, Reku actively carries out community-based education, namely the ReKru Roadshow, which has been held in 30 cities and reached more than 1,500 people. "Including tier 2 and 3 cities," he concluded.