Most Of The Victims Of TIP Are Hired As Operators Of Online Gambling
JAKARTA - Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini revealed that most of the victims of the crime of trafficking in persons (TPPO) he met would be recruited as operators of online gambling.
Social Minister Risma explained that when the victims arrived at their destination, there were only two choices, namely being an online gambling operator or having to sell their kidneys.
Moreover, when he was Mayor of Surabaya, he remembered that the victim of online gambling was the age of children.
"I'm trying to handle it, I believe that if we can handle the impact, it will be suppressed at that time. For example, for example, children can't afford to pay for school, in the end they have to commit a crime, do that so they can pay for school and then go to school. Once I become a mayor, my school is free, the crime goes down directly," said Risma, quoted by ANTARA, Monday, September 18.
For this reason, Social Minister Risma reminded the victims not to be tempted by the snares of work in online gambling. In addition, Social Minister Risma said that the children of TIP victims could be targets prone to sexual crimes.
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In one case, Social Minister Risma once brought home an Indonesian migrant worker (PMI) whose biological child was forced. The Ministry of Social Affairs compensated its agents, and helped the PMI open a catering business and chicken pecel stall.
So that currently PMI's income has increased compared to working as a household assistant (ART) abroad. He can also supervise the activities of his children at home.