Google Will Provide 10 Years Automatically Update To Chromebooks

JAKARTA - Google announced that Chromebooks will have automatic updates in the next 10 years, in order to keep Chromebook devices active and functioning longer.

"All Chromebook platforms will get regular automatic updates over 10 years more than any current operating system commitment," wrote Prajakta Gudadhe and Arwini Varma as Senior Director of Engineering, ChromeOS in a Google blog.

To make this happen, Google claims to have worked with partners to create Chromebooks with more post-consumer recycling materials (PCR), and launched new power-efficient features and faster processes to fix them.

10 years of automatic update

Starting next year's hinhga 10 years, Google will expand the automatic update so that your Chromebook gets increased security, stability, and new features going forward.

Well, to ensure your Chromebook device is compatible with future updates, Google has also teamed up with all component manufacturers on a single platform to develop and test software on each Chromebook.

"Starting in 2024, if you have a Chromebook released from 2021 onwards, you will automatically get an update for 10 years," he explained.

As for Chromebooks released before 2021 and already in use, IT users and admins will have the option to extend automatic updates by up to 10 years from the platform's release (after they receive the last automatic update).

With this decision, Google wants to make its Chromebook device a more environmentally friendly device both in terms of hardware and software.

To that end, in the coming months Google will also launch a new energy-efficient feature to most compatible platforms.