The Minister Of Communication And Information Issues An Instruction Letter In The Context Of Eradicating Online Gambling Or Slots

JAKARTA - Minister of Communication and Information Budi Arie Setiadi has issued instruction letter for the Minister of Communication and Information number 1 of 2023 concerning the Eradication of Online Gambling or Slot Gambling, in order to maintain a safe and positive digital space.

This instruction letter is addressed to the Director General of Informatics Applications, as well as all Intermediate High Officials, Primary High Officials, State Civil Apparatus, and employees in units and work units within the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology.

In addition, this instruction was also issued as a follow-up to Article 27 paragraph (2) of Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions as amended by Law Number 19 of 2016 concerning Amendments to Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions.

In this instruction letter issued on September 14, the Minister of Communication and Information gave special instructions to the Director General of Aptika Samuel Abrijani Pangerapan, to make preventive and proactive efforts to eradicate various kinds of online gambling content or slots on all digital platforms and social media within 7 (seven) days of this Ministerial Instruction.

Sammy is also expected to continue to conduct periodic evaluations on all platforms to prevent the re-emergence of content containing online gambling and/or slot gambling.

Furthermore, Sammy was also asked to make preventive and proactive efforts in eradicating various kinds of online gambling content or slot gambling that infiltrate various sites of Ministries/Institutions/Regions, and continue to conduct periodic evaluations on all sites to prevent the re-emergence of content containing online gambling or slot gambling, in the same period.

The Minister of Communication and Information also asked the Director General of Aptika to identify periodically all account numbers and cell phone numbers used to facilitate online gambling activities or slot gambling, and conduct massive and effective education and socialization to campaign for anti-online gambling or slot gambling throughout Indonesian society.

Not to forget, Sammy was assigned to instruct Electronic System Operators, including Internet Service Providers to comply with laws and regulations and government policies that regulate content moderation, and ensure that the Electronic System does not facilitate the dissemination.

In order to carry out the matter as referred to in the instruction, the Minister of Communication and Information asked the Director General of Aptika to make intensive policy and coordination breakthroughs with all Electronic System Operators, Law Enforcement Officials, Ministries/Institutions/Regions, Organizers of the Name of the Indonesian Internet Domain, Banking Authority, Internet Service Organizers, the National Movement for Digital Literacy, and other parties who can completely resolve the problem of online gambling and/or slot gambling to its roots.

Finally, for all high-ranking officials of the work unit at the Ministry of Communication and Informatics, Budi ordered them not to communicate with parties suspected or reasonably suspected of being involved in online gambling activities, not carrying out activities that support, facilitate, and/or facilitate activities related to online gambling and/or slot gambling in any form, and participating in campaigning for anti-to-be online gambling and/or slot gambling.