Reducing Pollution, These Two Companies Develop Alternatives to Single-Use Plastics

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) encourages industrial players to play an active role in facing the global plastic pollution emergency. One of the industries in the country that is committed to reducing plastic waste is PT ATMI IGI Center. The company operates in the industrial sector developing sustainable products from Solo, Central Java.

The company was also one of Indonesia's co-exhibitors when it became the official country partner at the Hannover Messe, in April 2023. On the sidelines of the exhibition, PT ATMI IGI Center and Solinatra Group B.V. have committed to taking part in facing the world plastic crisis through a memorandum of understanding signed at the Indonesian Pavilion, on April 17 2023.

In the memorandum of understanding, the two parties will work together to develop Solinatra as a more environmentally friendly alternative to plastic with 100 percent natural materials made from agricultural surplus.

"The collaboration between the two companies was motivated by concern about the impact of plastic on the environment. PT ATMI IGI Center and Solinatra Group B.V then established the ATMI-Solinatra Center of Excellence which became a pioneer in Indonesia in using Solinatra as an alternative to plastic," said the Director General of Resilience, Regional , and International Industrial Access (Dirjen KPAII) of the Ministry of Industry Eko S. A. Cahyanto in his written statement, Tuesday, September 12.

Eko gave an example, coffee capsules made from Solinatra will become compost at the same time as banana peels.

"This material is not only made from agricultural waste, but can also decompose naturally into compost without leaving behind microplastics or toxic substances," he said.

Solinatra is known to produce quality soil if composted. The product also becomes compostable when taken to industrial composting plants and landfills.

"Solinatra material can be biodegraded in the environment and marine life, and will later be degraded naturally so that it is safe for fish and other marine life," added Eko.

Apart from supporting the environment, Solinatra also plays a role in reducing exhaust emissions, one of which is through planting plastic-free mangroves. At the end of last week, research collaboration between PT ATMI IGI Center and Solinatra Group B.V began to replace mangrove polybags with environmentally friendly mangrove pots using Solinatra.

"It is hoped that this agreement will drive change towards a cleaner and more sustainable future, while increasing trade, especially in the field of alternative sustainable materials to plastic. Hopefully this initiative will be an example for the world in facing the increasingly urgent plastic crisis," concluded Eko.