Already Communication Through Inner And Spiritual, Hasto Calls The Former Deputy Chief Of Police Joining TPN Ganjar

SERANG - PDI-P Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto revealed that former Deputy Chief of Police Komjen (Ret.) Gatot Eddy Pramono joined the Ganjar Pranowo National Winning Team (TPN)."Besides that, there is also Pak Gatot, the former Deputy Chief of Police, who will also join later as Deputy Chair of the Ganjar Pranowo National Winning Team," said Hasto at the Banten Province PDIP DPD Office, Serang City, Banten, quoted from Antara, Sunday, September 10.This was conveyed by Hasto when answering questions from the media crew regarding the dynamics of the formation of TPN after the inclusion of the General Chairperson of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) Arsjad Rasjid and former TNI Commander General (Ret.) Andika Perkasa became the Chairperson and Deputy Chair of the TPN.Not only that, when asked about the communication with Gatot Eddy regarding the appointment, Hasto revealed that his party had inner and spiritual communication.However, he did not explain further about the mental and spiritual communication in question. He only stated that Gatot Eddy had considered PDIP presidential candidate Ganjar Pranowo as a good figure."This will be a power," he said.Hasto also emphasized that the appointment of Arsjad Rasjid as Chairman of TPN had been communicated. Nevertheless, Arsjad was also asked to complete his duties as Chairman of Kadin first."Because whatever he is, he is a responsible leader, a leader who carries out the mandate so that this mandate must be carried out first," he added.Previously, on Monday, September 4, the General Chairperson of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Arsjad Rasjid and General TNI (Ret.) Andika Perkasa was officially appointed as Chairman and Deputy Chair of the National Winning Team (TPN) Ganjar Pranowo in the 2024 presidential election."The four of us held the first official meeting chaired by Mrs. Megawati in the context of forming a TPN. The TPN stands for the National Winning Team. It has been conveyed earlier, yes, it has been knocked, yes," said Perindo Party Chairman Hary Tanoesoedibjo to the media crew, Monday (4/9) afternoon.The appointment was made by the Chairperson of the PDI-P Megawati Soekarnoputri, the General Chair of the Hanura Party, Sapta Odang, Plt. Chairman of PPP Muhamad Mardiono, and Chairman of Perindo Harry Tanoesoedibjo at the PDI-P DPP Office, Jakarta.The MNC Group boss said that Arsjad is a person that can be accepted by all groups. Arsjad also has extraordinary capacity and network as Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry.For this reason, he admitted that he was not surprised that Arsjad was the Chair of the TPN Ganjar Pranowo. Currently, Arsjad is also chairing the Association of Southeast Asian Nations Business Advisory Council (ASEAN-BAC).
Then, Andika Perkasa was also appointed as Deputy Chair of TPN Ganjar Pranowo. "Pak Andika is one of the representatives as well," said Hary.He continued, "Initially there is, representing all political parties as well as professionals. Yes, later it will be officially announced. However, the most important thing is that the TPN chairman himself has been decided."