PKB Deputy: Pleno Discusses Cooperation With NasDem Is Still Tough
SURABAYA - Deputy Chairperson of the Central Executive Board (DPP) of the National Awakening Party (PKB) Hanif Dhakiri stated that the plenary meeting to discuss the offer of political cooperation from the NasDem Party was tough.
This situation was conveyed by Hanif while attending the PKB DPP Joint Plenary Meeting at the East Java PKB Regional Leadership Council (DPW) office, Jalan Winanggal Surabaya.
"The debate is still tough, usually the name is also dynamic, there must be a view," Hanif told reporters as reported by ANTARA, Friday, August 1.
He called the joint plenary meeting a party step to find an equal view of a political dynamic that arises.
"To be more stable and everyone can have one understanding, so we have to finish the finalization at the meeting this afternoon," he said.
The meeting was held in Surabaya to determine the party's decision regarding the offer of cooperation from NasDem by involving all levels of the party.
The meeting in Surabaya decided on the agenda of Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar's declaration as a candidate pair for president and vice president in the 2024 General Election.
"Wait for the results of the meeting this afternoon. Be patient a little, it's safe, God willing," he said.
Nevertheless, Hanif said that PKB welcomed the offer of political cooperation proposed by the party led by Surya Paloh.
"In principle, we welcome the offer of cooperation from NasDem," he said.
اقرأ أيضا:
According to ANTARA's monitoring at the East Java PKB DPW office, apart from Hanif Dhakiri, a number of internal party figures were also present, such as the Chairman of the East Java PKB DPW Abdul Halim Iskandar, Secretary Anik Maslachah, Member of the House of Representatives Arzeti Bilbina, Chairman of the Surabaya City PKB DPC Musyafak Rouf, to the Chairman of the Central Java PKB DPW Yusuf Chudlori.
Meanwhile, PKB General Chair Muhaimin Iskandar has yet to be seen. Currently, the meeting is closed on the second floor of the East Java PKB office.