The Suspect In The Trafficking Case Of Orang Utan In Langsa Aceh Will Soon Be Tried

BANDA ACEH - Langsa District Attorney's (Kejari) public prosecutor, Aceh, handled the trade case of the Sumatran Orang Utan (pongo abelii).

Head of the Intelligence Section of the Langsa Prosecutor's Office, Syahril, said that the handling of the case was the delegation of civil servant investigators (PPNS) at the Center for Environmental and Forestry Law Security and Enforcement (BPPHLHK) Section I of the Sumatra Region.

"This case with the suspect Nanta Agustia, a 31-year-old male, a resident of East Langsa, Langsa City. The suspect is being detained and is now being placed in Langsa Class IIB Prison. Apart from the case file, we also received evidence from orangutans," Syahril said as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, September 1.

Previously, the PPNS BPPHLHK Section I team for the Sumatra Region investigated information on the sale and purchase of orangutans in Alue Timeu, East Langsa District, Langsa City, on July 2, 2023.

From the investigation, the BPPHLHK PPNS Team Section I of the Sumatra Region found someone carrying a bag and removing an individual orangutan.

Furthermore, the protected animal was put in a cage. Then, the team arrested Nanta Agustia who was suspected of being the person who controlled the protected animal

Syahril said that apart from the suspect along with the case file, the BPPHLHK PPNS Section I of the Sumatra Region also submitted a number of evidences. Among them is one individual forest person along with an iron cage, one minibus, and one cell phone.

The suspect is suspected of violating Article 40 Paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 21 Paragraph (2) letter a of Law Number 5 of 1990 concerning the conservation of natural resources and their ecosystems. The maximum penalty is five years in prison and a maximum fine of Rp. 100 million.

"The Head of the Langsa Kejari has also ordered a number of names as public prosecutors. The public prosecutor immediately made an indictment to be transferred to the court," said Syahril.