How To Reduce Exhaust Gas Emissions: Langkukan This Simple Step Can Help Banget!

YOGYAKARTA - Exhaust gas emissions are the remains of the combustion of motorized vehicles issued through the engine disposal system. This exhaust emission is very risky for our health, because it relies on dangerous substances such as: CO (carbon monoxide), CO2 (carbon dioxide), Number (nitrogen oxide), and HC (hydrocarbon).

Especially at this time the number of motorized vehicles in urban areas is very large and continues to increase every year. Make the number of vehicles decrease, it doesn't feel like it can't be done. What we can do is reduce the emission of each vehicle exhaust gas. The following is a method of reducing exhaust emissions which is quite easy for Friends to do.

Perform energy efficiency:

Turn off the lights that you don't use.

Don't leave electronic equipment in a stand-by position. Try to remove equipment from the power source.

We live in a tropical country, take advantage of sunlight for lighting and also for drying your washing.

Reduce the frequency of using private motorized vehicles:

"Make a distance of less than 500 meters used to walk, not only efficient, it's healthier, right."

Use a bicycle for transportation that doesn't have exhaust.

Create a distance of more than 3 kilometers, you can share a vehicle (car pooling).

Reduce the use of bottled bottled drinking water and straws:

Get used to bringing your own drinking place.

If possible, stay away from the consumption of plastic straws because it can create quite large carbon emissions.

Reduce your organic waste:

Fix organic waste You become compost.

The reduction in waste emissions can be tried better if it is accompanied by the division of organic waste from non-organic.

Reduce paper usage:

Do back and forth printing (duplex) to save paper usage.

Create a draft document and don't need clean paper, use the remaining paper to print.

So after knowing how to reduce exhaust emissions, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!