There Is A 'Bo' At The Jabodebek LRT, Members Of The House Of Representatives To The Minister Of Transportation: Residents Protest Why Not Through Bogor?
JAKARTA - Member of Commission V DPR Mulyadi highlighted the Jabodebek LRT which was inaugurated by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) a few days ago. He questioned the naming of this mode of transportation.
Mulyadi said, the Jabodebek LRT stands for the areas of Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, and Bekasi. However, this mass transportation does not reach the Bogor area.
This was conveyed by Mulyadi at the Commission V Working Meeting of the DPR RI with the Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi, at the DPR Building, Parliament Complex, Wednesday, August 30.
"Congratulations, even though I protested, your LRT was launched. He called it Jabodebek, I protested a little, sir. Why? Because there is actually Bogor," said Mulyadi.
According to Mulyadi, if this mass transportation does not pass through the Bogor area, it should be called Jadebek, not Jabodebek.
Jadebek should have been, because the residents of Bogor protested to me because the LRT had not yet reached Bogor. But why is his name Jabodebek? Simple, but for us it is important, sir, because the name Bogor was brought," he said.
As is known, the Jabodebek LRT was inaugurated by President Jokowi on Monday, August 28. At the beginning of its operation, there were 5,000 people using this mass transportation.
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To attract public interest, the government has imposed a Jabodebek LRT tariff promo in the context of the 78th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia. The promo applied is a discount or discount of 78 percent which is realized in a flat rate of IDR 5,000.
The 78 percent discount promo applies to all service routes. This promo is also valid from August 28 to the end of September 2023.
Furthermore, the Ministry of Transportation has prepared a promo tariff scheme of a maximum of IDR 20,000 for the furthest distance, and below IDR 20,000 for other than the furthest distance, until the end of February 2024.