Revealed, Ammar Is A Driver's Wage Zone Of IDR 300 Thousand To Buy Methamphetamine

JAKARTA - In a follow-up hearing in a drug abuse case involving soap opera Ammar Zoni at the South Jakarta District Court (PN) yesterday, Thursday, August 24, something new was revealed.
Ammar Zoni is known to be undergoing trial with the agenda of hearing the defendant's testimony with two other defendants, Mustaqim who is his personal driver, and Rahmat who is a friend of the driver.
In his statement at the trial, Ammar Zoni admitted to consuming drugs again because he participated in Mustaqim which did consume the illicit goods.
"I know Mustaqim likes to use methamphetamine, I follow suit," Ammar Zoni told the Public Prosecutor or Public Prosecutor.
Irish Bella's husband said that Mustaqim had also offered to buy drugs from a place he already knew.
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"So, because I know Mustaqim always buys, so I'm always offered," said Ammar Zoni.
"I ask for help if he (Mustaqim) wants to buy it, I'll take it all," he continued.
For what Mustaqim did, Ammar admitted that he often gave some money to the driver as wages. The nominal varies, Ammar said the wages ranged from Rp. 300,000 to Rp. 500,000.
"No, of course (nominal), sometimes Rp. 500,000, sometimes Rp. 300,000," explained Ammar.
For information, Ammar Zoni was arrested by the police on March 8, 2023 at his residence in Sentul, Bogor, West Java. He was arrested for drug abuse and possession.
Before Ammar was arrested, the driver from Ammar Zoni, Mustaqim (35), was arrested by the police after buying methamphetamine in Boncos Village, West Jakarta.