Jakarta Air Pollution, There Are 23 Million Vehicles Then Auction

JAKARTA - The number of vehicles is in the spotlight behind the problem of air pollution in Jakarta. Polda Metro Jaya noted that there were 23 million vehicles, both two and four wheels, in 2023.

"From the Samsat Data at Polda Metro Jaya, there are currently approximately 23 million registered," said Wadirlantas Polda Metro Jaya AKBP Doni Hermawan to reporters, Friday, August 25.

That number is said to have increased from before. In fact, the number of vehicle ownership continues to increase every year.

"Yes, there is approximately 2-3 percent increase every year," he said.

An increase in the economy of the community is one of the factors. Because, automatically it affects the high purchasing power.

"It depends on the economy in our country. If it is better for people to have high purchasing power, it will determine," said Doni.

The number of vehicles is considered to be related to air pollution that occurs in Jakarta. This is because vehicle exhaust emissions may be one of the causes.

Therefore, Polda Metro Jaya and Pemprov DKI Jakarta held a test of vehicle gas emsi. Those who do not pass will be sanctioned.

The trial of prosecution with a vehicle ticket that did not pass the emission test was held on August 26. Drivers who violate will be subject to a maximum fine of IDR 500 thousand.

"The 26 (August) date tomorrow will begin (trial ticketing)," said Traffic Director of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Latif Usman.

In the enforcement mechanism, the police will take a role. Articles 285 and 286 of Law Number 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation are said to be the basis for prosecution.

"For motorcycles Rp. 250,000, four wheels Rp. 500,000 are fined a maximum," he said.

In its implementation, the DKI Jakarta Environmental Agency will be involved. Those who will test vehicle exhaust emissions.