130 Palu Residents Infected With HIV/AIDS And Most Young Men

PALU - The Health Office (Dinkes) of Palu City, Central Sulawesi (Central Sulawesi), recorded 130 cases of HIV/AIDS in the area during the period January to July 2023. "For the spread of HIV/AIDS cases reported to the Health Office as many as 130 cases and dominated by the younger age group," said the Head of Disease Prevention and Handling and Environmental Health at the Palu City Health Office, Sitti Rachmah, quoted by ANTARA, Friday, August 25.
He conveyed that cases of HIV/AIDS were dominated by male groups with youth groups spread across several sub-districts in the area. The transmission of HIV/AIDS cases in the area, he said, was influenced by sexual behavior through rectum/anus or Male Sex (LSL), as well as the simultaneous use of syringes by drug users.
He conveyed that the sufferers were treated at the puskesmas by providing HIV/AIDS counseling and treatment by providing ARV (Anti Retro Viral) and maintaining confidentiality. Sitti said that as a form of intervention, the Palu City Health Office has a third party, namely the Palu City AIDS Reduction Commission (KPA) which is tasked with providing socialization, advocates, and assisting people who are positive for HIV/AIDS. "In addition, we carry out voluntary examinations or visits because we cannot force them to carry out inspections and can only advocate," he said. To break the chain of transmission of HIV/AIDS in the region, he said, precautions are also taken by bringing services and handling of infectious sexual diseases or HIV/AIDS to the public so that they can carry out health checks at any time. The authorities continue to socialize to the public and stakeholders related to joint efforts to prevent HIV/AIDS transmission.
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The Health Office also makes prevention efforts, such as conducting socialization to people in schools by utilizing health post services, as well as carrying out early detection, in order to reduce the number of HIV/AIDS cases transmission. "We recommend to the public to prevent transmission of HIV/AIDS, namely by having safe sex, not changing partners, avoiding drugs by using syringes together, and being loyal to your partner," he said.