This Is The Reason Why QRIS Is One Of The Easy-to-Use Payment Methods

JAKARTA - Currently, digital payments have been widely implemented. In fact, there are several businesses that have implemented cashless payments or do not receive cash payments.

Well, one of the non-cash payment methods is using the QRIS (QR Code Indonesian Standard). QRIS itself is an Indonesian payment system developed by Bank Indonesia and the Indonesian Payment System Association (ASPI).

As a bank that also focuses on serving the digital savvy segment through the mobile digital banking application, BCA Digital reveals several interesting points why QRIS is one of the payment methods that is easy to use for daily transactions.

The QRIS shortcut button is on the login page page page

When we rush, of course, we want to transact quickly but stay safe. Therefore, there are several mobile banking, including that it provides QRIS shortcuts on the login page to make it easier for you to make payments without having to log in first.

Transfer of QRIS transactions is recorded to be neatly recorded digitally

In addition to the convenience of using QRIS, you can also find out the transaction history through a tracker feature equipped with total income and expenses, as well as a easy-to-read transaction graph. This mutation note is also useful for anticipating suspicious transactions from your bank account.

Various merchants can be used

This QRIS from Bank Indonesia is also inclusive, meaning that it can be enjoyed by all people. This code can be used by traders at Traditional Markets to shops at Malls. So, we can make payments using this QRIS for all transactions.