The Case Of Church Destruction In Batam Ends Peacefully
Head of the Batam City Ministry of Religion (Kemenag), Zulkarnain Umar, confirmed that the feud between residents due to the destruction of the church to be built in Batam has ended peacefully.
"Alhamdulillah, this afternoon we successfully mediated the incident of destroying the building that will be used as a church, and both parties agreed to make peace," said Zulkarnain as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, August 11.
The peace agreement was made at the Barelang Police Station, witnessed by the Head of Police, the Ministry of Religion of Batam City, and from the Batam City Government.
In the peace agreement, he said, both parties agreed that the incident was not in the name of religion, but in the matter of land status.
"So in my opinion, there is no need to exaggerate over religious issues," he said.
It was also agreed on upholding togetherness and tolerance between religious communities.
Poin ketiga, pembangunan rumah ibadah ditegaskan harus memenuhi ketentuan yang ada. Terutama yang tercatat dalam peraturan bersama Menteri Agama dan Menteri Dalam Negeri Nomor 8 dan Nomor 9 tahun 2006.
"So this is a binder for us to always take care of the next generation," he said.
Meanwhile, for the continuation of the church construction, he said, it was not allowed to continue until the church had finished processing the necessary permits first.
"Of course we are ready to help, because it is a good intention from the community to build a house of worship. We are very supportive," he said.
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Meanwhile, the Head of the Barelang Police, Kombes Nugroho Tri Nuryanto, emphasized that his party would take legal steps if there were parties who violated the agreement.
"We want a situation like this not to happen again, and if someone violates it, of course we as law enforcers will take action in accordance with the applicable law," said the Police Chief.