IDX President Director: The Highest List Of Indonesian New Shares In ASEAN
JAKARTA - PT Bursa Efek Indonesia (IDX) stated that recording the effects of new shares was the highest compared to countries in the Southeast Asia (ASEAN) for the January-August 2023 period.
IDX President Director Iman Rachman said the IDX recorded 63 new issuers until August 10, 2023.
"With a fund raised value of Rp49.19 trillion, 70 bond emissions, 2 new Exchange-Trad Fund (ETF), 1 Asset-Surat Participation Cooperative Effect (EBA-SP), and 83 structured wargans," said Iman at the Jakarta IDX Office, Thursday.
Thus, he continued, until that period there had been 887 companies listed on the IDX, with 28 companies still in pipeline to record initial shares or hold Initial Public Offering (IPO).
As of August 9, 2023, the average Daily Transaction Value (RNTH) is in the position of IDR 10.24 trillion, with an average daily transaction volume of 18.5 billion shares, and the daily transaction frequency reaches 1.24 million transactions.
In terms of demand, until August 8, 2023, the number of Indonesian capital market investors recorded at the Indonesian Central Securities Depository (KSEI) increased by 1.15 million investors to 11.47 million investors for stock investors, bonds and mutual funds.
Meanwhile, specifically for stock investors, there were an increase of 467 thousand stock investors to 4.91 million stock investors.
Iman said the participation of retail investors still has the highest portion of transactions, namely 38 percent of total stock investor transactions in 2023, followed by increased participation of institutional investors compared to the previous year.
In addition, the number of Islamic stock investors has also grown significantly, of which Islamic shares in the last five years since 2018, have increased 182 percent from 44,536 investors to 125,638 investors in June 2023.
"This reflects that market confidence is still quite well maintained even though it is faced with a global and domestic economic situation filled with uncertainty," said Iman.
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On this occasion, the Indonesian capital market also launched a campaign titled Aku Investor Saham which is a continuation of the previous campaign, namely the National Movement for Capital Market Love or Capital Market Genta, and Let's Connect Shares.
"The Aku Investors of Shares Campaign has a message of pride, inclusivity and progress, aiming to encourage an increase in the number of investors who currently number 11 million investors, so it is hoped that more people can enjoy the potential growth of the Indonesian capital market," said Iman. In the first quarter of 2023, the IPO in Indonesia was recorded at most with 30 IPOs and made 828 million US dollars.
Thailand in second place, recorded 10 IPOs that raised 322 million US dollars. Malaysia is in third place with 10 IPOs collecting USD238 million. While Singapore is fourth with only one IPO collecting USD15 million.