Ganjar Praised By Residents Of Chinese Descendants Considered Successful In Overcoming Corruption And Poverty

SEMARANG - Residents of Chinese descent appreciated Ganjar Pranowo's performance for two periods and nearly 10 years as Governor of Central Java (Central Java).

This was conveyed by the Acting Chairman of the Central Java Social Association Marga Chinese (PSMTI) Teguh Kinarto as a representative of Chinese descent at the Padma Hotel, Semarang City, Central Java, Tuesday, August 8.

"Pak Ganjar is an idol figure, a role model for all Indonesian people because during his two terms of leading Central Java, Pak Ganjar has made various achievements," said Teguh.

Teguh said that Ganjar's first achievement was his innovation to prevent corruption, collusion, and nepotism through an e-government program by providing easy, cheap, fast service.

The next achievement is to build the most Public Service Malls (MPP) in Indonesia as many as 28. The MPP was built in Semarang, Wonogiri, Demak, Sragen, Purbalingga, Pekalongan, and Pemalang Regencies.

Then Boyolali Regency, Sukoharjo, Surakarta City, Karanganyar, Salatiga City, Magelang City, and Semarang City. Then Kendal, Kudus, Jepara, Pati, Blora, Kebumen, Purworejo, Banyumas, Grobogan, Klaten, Brebes, Rembang, and Cilacap. In addition, there is also an MPP belonging to the Central Java Provincial Government.

"Central Java is also listed as the province with the achievement of a percentage of the completion of the recommendations of the best Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) throughout Indonesia," said Teguh.

Central Java received 92.09 percent completion. This achievement exceeds the national average achievement of only 75 percent," he continued.

Teguh explained that Ganjar's next achievement in the MSME empowerment sector was to launch People's Business Credit (KUR) with an interest rate of only three percent per year.

Previously, KUR had reached 12, then 9 percent, and finally thanks to the kindness and struggle of Pak Ganjar KUR in Central Java, it was only 3 percent per year. It's amazing," he said.

Teguh said that the next achievement was a reduction in poverty in Central Java. Teguh explained, during his two terms of leadership, Ganjar managed to eradicate more than 1 million poor people.

"Based on data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), the poverty rate in Central Java is only 10.93 percent or equivalent to 3.8 million people. This number decreased when compared to previous years which reached almost 12 percent," he concluded.

In a joint event at the Padma Hotel Semarang, Ganjar inaugurated PSMTI General Chair Wilianto Tanta. Ganjar also had a lot of chatting with residents of Chinese descent in Central Java.