This Week, The Delivery Of Aid To The District Affected By Starvation In Central Papua Is Constrained By Weather

JAKARTA - The weather is an obstacle to sending aid for victims affected by drought and hunger in two districts in Puncak Regency, Central Papua Province.

Secretary of Puncak Regency Darwin Tobing admitted that there was no delivery of aid to Agandugume and Lambewi Districts today, Wednesday, August 2. This is due to unfriendly weather.

"The weather hampered efforts to send various aids to residents in the Agandugume and Lambewi districts, which are fractional districts of Agandugume," Darwin said when confirmed in Timika, Papua, Wednesday, August 2 night, by Antara.

He explained that previously the government had sent assistance from Timika to Agandugume on Monday, August 1. However, the distribution carrying around 800 kg of aid goods was only one flight. The aircraft used belonged to PT Reven Global Air Transport with flight code PK-RVC.

Darwin said the Timika-Agandugume flight could take about 30 minutes. However, unfriendly weather hindered the delivery of various aids.

"Hopefully on Thursday (August 3) the weather will be friendly so that various aids can be distributed to the community," said Darwin.

The impact of drought and hunger that occurred in Agandugume District and Lambewi District resulted in the death of six residents. One of the victims who died was a premature baby.