PLN UID Central Java-DIY Map Electricity Needs After The COVID-19 Pandemic

JAKARTA - PT PLN (Persero) Central Java's Main Distribution Unit (UID) and Yogyakarta Special Region mapped electricity needs after the COVID-19 pandemic which had had a negative impact on the Indonesian economy. General Manager of PLN Central Java's Main Distribution Unit (UID) and DIY Soffin Hadi at the discussion of the Industrial Trends Reading the Economy Through the Record of Electricity Consumption at Griya Solopos Solo, Central Java, Saturday, said PLN always strives to see, analyze, to report to the holding regarding the conditions that occurred in Central Java and DIY. "Whether it is for the future or six months to be in line with us as an electricity provider," said Soffin Hadi as quoted by Antara, Sunday. Thus, he said, there is an effort to support each other and synergize between business actors and PLN so as to have a positive impact on the economy in Indonesia.

In terms of planning for the provision of power plants, he said, PLN had predicted growth directly related to economic growth.

"The way last year's economic growth was increased by 1.5 times of electricity growth. So if, for example, 5 percent economic growth, then this electricity must be provided 1.5 times. On the other hand, the supply of power plants takes eight years," he said.

Especially in Central Java, it serves as many as 13 million customers. Of these total, 11.9 million of them are household customers, the rest are from industry and business. "For customers from this household, it is almost 90 percent and accounts for 49 percent of total sales," he said. As for the business and industrial side, there has been a different growth. He said the business sector had started to rise after the COVID-19 pandemic, this is different from the industrial conditions. "Industry is somewhat battered. After COVID-19 was connected to the Ukraine and Russia conflict, growth was not encouraging. Directly affected industries are the textile industry, some lack of raw materials, some demand has decreased," he said. related to this, through the FGD, he hopes that there will be contributions from a number of parties so that it can become a record for decision makers. On the same occasion, PT PLN Commissioner Eko Sulistyo said that talking about industrial consumption, then electricity has always been an assessment instrument to find out the direction of Indonesia's economic growth.

"Dalam hal kecenderungan kita bisa memetakan dari aspek tersebut. Indonesia habis dihantam pandemi COVID-19, tentu konsumsi yang meliputi pakaian, sandang belum recovery kembali. Orang masih memikirkan hal mendasar," katanya.Meski demikian, dikatakannya, pangsa pasar bukan hanya dalam negeri tetapi juga ekspor. Terkait dengan hambatannya, dikatakannya, ada berbagai faktor kemungkinan."Mungkin pembatasan alur logistik, termasuk negara-negara di Eropa yang terkena dampak ekonomi atas perang yang terjadi antara Ukraina dan Rusia sehingga mereka mengesampingkan konsumsi pakaian dan diutamakan hal-hal yang fundamental," katanya.