Assets Of Tax Crime Suspects Confiscated By West Sumatra And Jambi DGT Regional Offices, Value Reaches IDR 500 Million

PADANG - The assets of the CV BP Director with the initials M worth Rp. 500 million, were confiscated after being named a suspect in connection with alleged tax crimes. The confiscation was carried out by the Regional Offices of the Directorate General of Taxes (Kanwil DJP) of West Sumatra and Jambi.

The confiscation was carried out as part of an investigation into the CV BP taxpayer. CV BP is an agency engaged in the business of trading palm fresh fruit bunches, and is registered at the Muara Bungo Tax Service Office, Jambi Province.

This investigation is related to the tax criminal case committed by M as Director of CV BP., M is suspected of violating Article 39 Paragraph (1) letter c and letter i of Law Number 28 of 2007 concerning the third amendment to Law 6 of 1983 concerning general provisions and tax procedures, as amended in the last few times. Law Number 7 of 2021 concerning the harmonization of tax regulations.

The criminal act committed by suspect M was intentionally not submitting a notification letter (SPT), and did not deposit the value added tax collected during the tax period from November 2019 to December 2020, which caused losses to state revenues of Rp. 1,686,170,305.

Head of the Counseling, Services and Public Relations Division of the West Sumatra and Jambi DGT Regional Offices, Marihot Pahala Siahaan, said that in order to recover state revenue losses, investigators confiscated the suspect's property after obtaining a determination from the Padang District Court.

According to him, the suspect's actions did not convey the SPT, including not depositing the tax collected, were threatened with a minimum imprisonment of six months, and a maximum of six years and a fine of at least two times the amount of payable taxes that were not or were less paid, and a maximum of four times the amount of payable taxes that were not or were not paid.

In the investigation process, he said, as quoted from Antara, investigators found two pieces of evidence as required by the Criminal Procedure Code and the decision of the Constitutional Court Number 21/PUU-XII/2014 dated 28 October 2014.

Through the internal case title of the West Sumatra and Jambi DGT Regional Offices as well as with the coordination and supervision of civil servant investigators (Korwas PPNS) of the Jambi Police, investigators named M as a suspect.

Furthermore, investigators from the West Sumatra and Jambi DGT Regional Offices immediately made and completed the case files which were then submitted to the Jambi High Prosecutor's Office through the Jambi Police PPNS Korwas.