Comparing the Wealth of 5 Vice Presidential Candidates for Ganjar Pranowo, Who is the Richest?

YOGYAKARTA - Puan Maharani, Chairperson of the PDIP DPP, has revealed five names of vice presidential candidates to accompany Ganjar Pranowo in the 2024 general election. The five figures mentioned by Puan are important figures with strong influence. Apart from their profiles, the public is also curious about the wealth of 5 vice presidential candidates for Ganjar.

The five figures who will be the winning partner in next year's presidential election are Sandiaga Uno, Erick Thohir, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY), Retired General Andika Perkasa, and Muhaimin Iskandar. Puan leaked the names last Sunday after attending the 25th anniversary of PKB which was held at the Manahan Stadium, Solo, Central Java.

The candidates for the vice presidential candidate for Ganjar are not new figures in the world of Indonesian politics. The five of them have backgrounds with a wealth of experience and high-profile careers that are well-known to the public. So how rich are the 5 candidates for Ganjar's vice president when compared one by one?

The Wealth of 5 Vice Presidential Candidates for Ganjar Pranowo

Apart from having high electability in the vice presidential market, the five candidates for the Ganjar Pranowo pair have assets of fantastic value. The following is the total wealth of the 5 candidates for Ganjar's vice presidential candidates.

Sandiaga Uno

The figure of Sandiaga Uno is quite popular among Indonesians. Apart from being Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga is also known as a successful businessman. Based on the State Officials' Wealth Report (LHKPN) on March 15, 2023, Sandiaga Uno has assets of IDR 10.9 trillion.

Sandiaga Uno's wealth comes from various assets, ranging from land and buildings, securities, share ownership, and others. The man who is familiarly called Bang Sandi is known to have land and building assets totaling IDR 265,743,826,444

Sandiaga Uno also has assets of transportation equipment and machinery worth IDR 1,434,000,000. For other moving prices, he has IDR 4,379,641,300. He also has state papers worth IDR 9,941,166,565,728 and cash and cash equivalents of IDR 1,313,252,802,832.

Apart from that, Sandiaga also has other assets of IDR 85,070,894,559. With this total wealth, Sandiaga has a debt of IDR 614,042,198,627

Erick Thohir

SOE Minister Erick Thohir also has a background as a wealthy businessman. Based on the LHPKN on March 31, 2023, Erick Thohir has assets of IDR 2,303,835,823,202. Erick's assets also come from various assets, ranging from land and buildings to securities, and others.

Erick Thohir is known to have land and building assets totaling IDR 419,672,160,071. He also has securities worth IDR 1,722,549,424,100. For the means of transportation and machinery that he has, it is IDR 2,652,000,000.

Erick Thohir also has other movable assets worth IDR 27,996,250,000. Apart from that, he also has cash and cash equivalents of IDR 176,602,601,752. He also still has other assets in the amount of IDR 133,235,462,426. In addition, Erick is known to have a debt of IDR 178,872,084,147.

Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono

Democratic Party chairman Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono also has wealth that is no less than the other candidates. The son of former president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has a wealth of up to IDR 20 billion, based on the 2017 LHKPN.

AHY is known to have land and building assets totaling IDR 6,772,645,000. He is also recorded as having transportation equipment and machinery valued at IDR 550,000,000. In addition, AHY also has assets from livestock, mining, and other businesses amounting to IDR 360,000,000.

AHY also still has other movable assets in the amount of IDR 688,800.00. He also has demand deposits and cash equivalents of IDR 6,920,360,024. Unlike the other candidates, AHY is recorded as having no debt.

Retired General Andika Perkasa

Former TNI Commander General Andika Perkasa has retired after serving a long time since 1987. Based on the LHKPN on March 26, 2023, Andika Perkasa has assets of IDR 184 billion. General Andika's wealth comes from various sources of assets, such as building land, cash holdings, and others.

General Andika is known to have land and building assets totaling IDR 38,942,250,000. He also has transportation equipment and machines worth IDR 1,800,000,000. In addition, he also kept other movable assets worth IDR 10,100,000,000.

General Andika also still has securities of IDR 3,171,000,000. Apart from that, he also has cash and cash equivalents in the amount of IDR 131,435,319,648. Despite his fantastic wealth, he still has IDR 900,000,000 in debt.

Muhaimin Iskandar

Muhaimin Iskandar is known to have assets of IDR 27,280,500,000, based on a wealth report on April 12, 2023. The wealth of this man who is familiarly called Cak Imin comes from various sources of assets, ranging from land and buildings, movable property, and others.

Cak Imin owns land and building assets worth a total of IDR 24.7 billion. He also has other movable assets of IDR 171 million. He also kept cash and cash equivalents of IDR 2.1 billion. He also still has transportation equipment and machinery valued at IDR 259,000,000. Just like AHY, Cak Imin is also recorded as having no debt.

Such is the review of the wealth of 5 Vice Presidential Candidates Ganjar Pranowo to run for the 2024 Presidential Election. Of the five candidates, Sandiaga Uno is the figure who has the most wealth.

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