SKCK Counterfeiting Group In Malang Arrested By Police

Malang - Malang Police, East Java, arrested four perpetrators suspected of being involved in the document forgery case, which was used as one of the requirements to work abroad. Head of Public Relations Section of Malang Police Iptu Ahmad Taufik said four perpetrators were arrested, namely with the initials TM (35), SA (33), LS (41) and KH (40), all of them are residents of Pagelaran District, Malang Regency. "The Malang Police Satreskrim Opsnal revealed a case of document forgery, four people were arrested," said Taufik as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, July 27.Taufic explained that the disclosure began when SA tried to trick police officers in the issuance of a police certificate of police (SKCK), Monday (24/7), and the document would be used as a completeness of migrant workers to the Middle East. After obtaining information from SA, Malang Police personnel then made arrests of three other perpetrators. in the arrest, he said, the police secured four fake SKCK documents with various identifications and a number of evidences in the form of various computer equipment, including printer machines and cellphones belonging to the perpetrator. the perpetrator. "All suspected perpetrators and evidence were then taken to the Criminal Investigation Unit of Malang Police for further examination," he said. In addition to falsifying SKCK documents, Taufik said, the perpetrators were also suspected of falsifying signatures of the competent authorities. Physically, the document looks similar, however, when matched with the police data is not found.
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Currently, Malang Police are still developing the case of document forgery because there are suspicions that the perpetrators are also involved in a criminal case of trafficking in persons (TPPO) to send workers abroad. "Investigators are still investigating, there are allegations whether they are involved in a TIP network or not, we are still investigating further," he said. For this act, according to him, the perpetrators were subject to Article 263 paragraph to 1e of the Criminal Code regarding the crime of forgery of letters, with a maximum imprisonment of six years.