To IKN, South Korean Ambassador Wants To Increase Potential For Infrastructure Development Collaboration

JAKARTA - South Korea expressed cooperation support for IKN development, especially in infrastructure development.

This was marked by the presence of the South Korean Ambassador to Indonesia Lee Sang-dek who was accompanied by the Head of the Implementation Division of the IKN Infrastructure Development Task Force, Didiet Arief Akhdiat, to IKN on Thursday, July 20.

"I want to see to what extent the construction of the capital city of the archipelago is. So that later when there will be further visits from the South Korean leadership, they will have a big picture of IKN and its progress," said Didiet in a written statement, quoted Friday, July 21.

Ambassador Lee Sang-dek was present along with seven delegates consisting of the embassy team, the K-Water delegation, and business delegates from South Korea.

The group had the opportunity to visit the Sepaku Semoi Dam and review the progress of development which had reached 92.77 percent, and saw the IPA land funded by the South Korean government grant which is currently in the process of being DED and is expected to be completed in December 2023.

Furthermore, the group headed to Zero Point and View Tower of Jalan Rabu Kebangsaan Barat to see the progress of the construction of the Presidential Palace, Ceremony Field, to the Office of the Coordinating Ministry.

Indonesia and South Korea are known to have a Memorandum of Understanding on Technical Cooperation on Transfer and Development of IKN which will become the basis for bilateral mechanisms, as well as the basis for South Korean companies to actively contribute to working together to build IKN. One of them is the construction of a clean water supply system for IKN with a capacity of 350 liters/second.

"We have started working with South Korea in the clean water sector, where the financing is from the state budget, but the design is from South Korea. Hopefully, in the future there will be assistance related to waste water technicalities, waste, and it could also hit roads," said Didiet.

Duta Besar Lee berharap, pengembangan Ibu Kota Nusantara dapat berjalan dengan sukses dan lancar. "Korea Selatan mendukung pengembangan Ibu Kota Nusantara. Kami berharap pembangunannya dapat berjalan dengan sukses," imbuhnya.