Anticipate Accidents, 50 Illegal Buildings In Senen Station Areas Unloaded
PT KAI Operational Area (Daop) 1 Jakarta controls dozens of illegal buildings and cleans up garbage on the 500-meter-long train line at KM 7 + 000-KM 7 + 500 between Pasar Senen Station and Sentiong Alley, Central Jakarta.
The control carried out on Thursday is a manifestation of KAI Daop 1 Jakarta's commitment to realize the safety of train travel (KA) from illegal buildings and garbage from people/residents who are not entitled to be on the train line.
"About 50 illegal buildings along the route are brought under control to keep train lines and train trips safe. A total of 130 personnel consisting of a combination of Jakarta's Daop 1 work unit are deployed to curb illegal buildings and clean up trash along the train route between Senen-Gang Sentiong Market," said the Daily Executive (Plh) of the Jakarta Daop 1 KAI Public Relations Manager Feni Novida Saragih, quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, July 20.
He said the illegal and clean building control activities would be carried out continuously.
"Jajaran Daop 1 Jakarta juga melakukan sosialisasi kepada warga sekitar jalur KA agar tidak membuang sampah dan membakarnya di area jalur KA. Selain akan mengganggu perjalanan KA, juga dapat memicu terjadinya kebakaran serta terjadinya banjir saat hujan turun," ujarnya.
KAI Daop 1 Jakarta also said that local residents should not carry out any activities on the railway line.
"Both building illegal buildings and making illegal crossings because in addition to disrupting train travel, it also endangers self-security," said Feni.
KAI Daop 1 Jakarta also emphasized that the ban on activities on train lines other than for the purposes of train transportation has been emphasized in Law Number 23 of 2007 concerning Railways.
Article 181 paragraph (1) states that everyone is prohibited from being in the good space of the railway line, dragging, moving, placing, or moving goods on the rail or crossing the railroad line or using the railway line for other purposes, other than for rail transportation.
Feni said that mutual safety and security can be realized through cooperation from various parties, including the community around the railway line.
In addition, KAI Daop 1 Jakarta also continues to collaborate with various parties, both district/city and regional governments by cooperating with rail fans (train lovers) to disseminate train safety in the Daop 1 Jakarta area.
KAI Daop 1 Jakarta is also proactive in disseminating safety to residents who are in the vicinity of railroad crossings/paths as well as education to students in schools close to the rail line to participate in realizing the safety of train trips by not doing activities around the railway line.
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KAI Daop 1 Jakarta also appreciates all people who have cared about maintaining the safety and security of train travel as public transportation.
"KAI Daop 1 Jakarta urges the public to report if they know of suspicious and dangerous activities around the rail line by contacting officers at the nearest station or contact center 121 line (021) 121, customer service and social media @kai121_ @trainakita," said Feni.