Minister Of Home Affairs Extends Acting Regents Of Aceh Jaya And Pidie

ACEH - Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri) Tito Karnavian has again extended the term of office of the Acting (Pj) Regent of Aceh Jaya Nurdin and Acting Aceh Jaya Wahyudi Adisiswanto for the second year of 2023/2024."Yes (extended), the submission of the decree (decision letter) at the Aceh Governor's Hall," said Acting Regent of Aceh Jaya Nurdin in Banda Aceh, Antara, Tuesday, July 18.The handover of the decree as the Acting Regent of Aceh Jaya coincided with the Acting Regent of Pidie, who both ended their previous tenure.The second extension letter of the Acting regional head has been handed over directly by the Acting Governor of Aceh Achmad Marzuki at around 18.00 WIB at Anjong Mon Mata, Meuligoe Complex, Governor of Aceh, in Banda Aceh.Nurdin said that in the future, he would focus on implementing the program that had been launched, namely Gema Bang Jaya (Bunt Bangun Aceh Jaya Joint Movement).In this area, he said, Teuku Umar has provided valuable lessons, where the cohesiveness and cooperation of the entire community are the keys to success in the struggle."We have to push this spirit back to break through obstacles for the progress of Aceh Jaya through Gema Bang Jaya," said Nurdin.Meanwhile, the Head of the Prokopim Section of the Pidie Regional Secretary, Teuku Iqbal, said that the Acting Regent of Pidie Wahyudi Adisiswanto was officially extended in accordance with the Decree of the Minister of Home Affairs Number of 2023 concerning the extension of the term of office of the Acting Regent of Pidie.According to him, Wahyudi Adisiswanto was entrusted back as Acting Regent of Pidie because he was considered to have done a lot and made better changes to the administration of local government.Pidie Regency People's Representative Council (DPRK) has previously proposed three names for the position, namely Wahyudi Adisiswanto, Banda Aceh Regional Secretary Amiruddin Kadis Perkim Aceh Muhammad Adam.
"Of the three names, the Minister of Home Affairs still entrusted Wahyudi Adisiswanto to continue to lead Pidie Regency,” said Teuku Iqbal.