BPK Finds Problems In Kemenkop UKM 2022 Financial Reports About Grand Smesco Hill
JAKARTA - The Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) found problems in the Financial Report (LK) of the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs for Fiscal Year (TA) 2022 related to the inadequate management of Grand Smesco Hill / GSH (train and education centers for Cooperatives and SMEs).
This statement was conveyed by BPK Second Member Daniel Lumban Tobing when submitting the Examination Result Report (LHP) on LK Kemenkop-UKM 2022 to the Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs (MenkopUKM) Teten Masduki,
"Although this problem does not have a significant effect on the presentation of LK, it is very necessary to get attention to immediately follow up by all ranks at the Kemenkop-UKM. One of these problems is that the management of Grand Smesco Hill (GSH) revenue is inadequate, including GSH receipts without being budgeted in business and budget plans, and not reported in LK," said Daniel quoting Antara.
For this problem, BPK recommends the Coordinating Minister for Cooperatives and SMEs to order the President Director (Director) of the Small and Medium Enterprises Cooperative Marketing Service Agency (LLP KUKM) to propose a definitive budget business plan (RBA) that accommodates GSH revenue and expenditure.
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In addition to handing over LHP to the LK Kemenkop-UKM FY 2022, BPK also handed over LHP to the LK of the Government Investment Budget Section (BA 999.03) Revolving Funds in 2022 and LHP for the Subsidized Expenditure Budget Section (BA 999.07) Subsidy for the Imbal Jasa for Government Business Credit and Interest (KUR) in 2022.
"(I) remind the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs to be able to provide an explanation of the development of follow-up recommendations, no later than 60 days after the receipt of the BPK LHP," he said.
Despite the problem, BPK provides an Unqualified Opinion (WTP) on LK Kemenkop-UKM in 2022, in all material matters, in accordance with Government Accounting Standards (SAP).
"BPK appreciates the efforts made by the Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs and their staff who continue to strive to improve the quality of state financial governance, so that BPK can provide WTP opinions for the 13th time for the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs," said Daniel.