Cirebon Police Reveal 18 TIP Cases With 24 Suspects
CIREBON - Cirebon City Police (Polresta), West Java, revealed 18 criminal cases of trafficking in persons (TPPO) by naming 24 people as suspects.
"Overall, we have uncovered 18 TIP cases, during the TIP Task Force," said Cirebon Police Chief Kombes Arif Budiman as reported by ANTARA, Saturday, July 15.
According to him, of the 18 cases that were successfully uncovered, 24 people were named as suspects, because they were proven to trade people by using the mode of employing abroad.
He was grateful for the performance of his unit that succeeded in uncovering the TIP case, given appreciation in the form of blessing by the National Police Chief, General Police Listyo Sigit Prabowo, as the second winner of the most TIP law enforcers.
"Alhamdulillah, from the disclosure, we received the title of second place in law enforcement at the Indonesian Police level," he said.
Arif said the award is a matter of pride for all Cirebon Police personnel so that it is hoped that they can continue to motivate all Cirebon Police and Polsek ranks to improve quality in protecting, serving, and protecting the community.
"This is an honor and pride for all Cirebon Police personnel because they received appreciation and appreciation from the National Police Chief. Of course, this will increase our motivation and enthusiasm in carrying out our duties to dedicate the best performance to the community," he said.
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Arif said that until July 2023, the Cirebon Police had revealed 18 TIP cases in their jurisdiction by naming 24 people as suspects.
The TIP case handled by the Cirebon Rerata Police Satreskrim is the placement of Indonesian migrant workers (PMI) who do not comply with procedures, even illegal.
He explained that from the case, there were victims who died, were seriously ill and others, they were placed in conflict countries and were no longer allowed by the Government of Indonesia.
"Many modes are used, starting from recruitment, shelters, and delivery, not according to the destination country, and violating the existing process, causing harm to the victim," he said.