Tips For Meeting Nutrition And Mental Readiness Of Children Ahead Of School

JAKARTA - Parents need to meet their children's nutrition and mental readiness before entering school for the first time. Fulfillment of nutrition for school children is important, considering that nutrition plays a very important role in supporting children's growth and development to excel.

Children aged 3 years and over have relatively high nutritional needs because they are still experiencing rapid and very active growth and development, ranging from their language, cognitive, motor, to social and emotional skills," explained Clinical Nutritionists and Indonesian Nutrition Association (INA) President Dr. dr. Luciana B. Sutanto, MS, SpGK(K) quoted from ANTARA, Wednesday, July 12.

"For this reason, nutrition still plays an important role in supporting children's growth and development, especially in optimizing their cognitive development. Because 90 percent of brain development occurs at the age of 5, where there is no other period in life that has a greater impact," he added.

Luciana further explained, therefore, the quality of nutrition given at these times is very important, because the brain needs some appropriate and balanced nutrition, such as Omega 3 (DHA), Omega 6, and Iron, has an important role in supporting the cognitive development of children to excel.

Meanwhile, for mental readiness, clinical psychologist for children and families, Anna Surti Ariani, S.Psi., M.Si., Psi. suggested some tips parents can do to help their children's readiness on the first day of school. "First, ensure daily nutritional intake and prepare nutritious provisions," said Anna.

If necessary, also complete their daily nutritional needs with growth milk before going to school. This is because the intake of preschoolers who do not include milk often cannot meet their daily nutritional needs.

In addition, Mothers can also provide nutritious children's favorite foods, so that children become more enthusiastic in undergoing the first day.

Then parents and children need to prepare for the first day of school one to two weeks earlier so that children have mental readiness to start going to school.

"Mulai melakukan rutinitas serupa dengan yang akan dijalankan di hari-hari sekolah nanti. Misalnya mulai memaatkan bangun jam 6, lalu mandi dan perubahan pasangan, sarapan, kemudian lanjut beraktivitas," jelas Anna.

Another mental preparation is to occasionally visit potential schools, by showing classes, playgrounds, toys, and if possible introduce the child to the prospective teacher.

"Say positive things about school, to reduce children's anxiety," Anna added.

Fourth, teach children how to interact and make new friends so that children don't feel embarrassed or awkward when meeting other people or new friends at school. For example, training children to mention their names while asking the names of their interlocutors, as well as handing their potential friends first. It could also remind him to smile with a view that leads to people who are invited to get acquainted.

Finally, parents have to build good communication with their children, for example by inviting their children to sit down and eat together when they come home from school. Try to chat and talk about his first experience at school.

When chatting, don't focus on bad things that happen, such as crying when separated from parents, but focus more on the good things that have happened, such as children wearing uniforms and wanting to come to school.

"Conversations can be closed safely because children have tried to enter school, and encourage them to continue to do so," said Anna.