Bareskrim Raids Illegal Herbal Medicine Factory In Banyuwangi, Hundreds Of Thousands Of Herbal Medicine Liters Confiscated

The Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police raided an illegal herbal medicine factory in Kepatihan Hamlet, Kedaleman Village, Banyuwangi, East Java. Hundreds of thousands of liters of dangerous herbal medicine were confiscated.

"This factory produces illegal herbal medicine that is harmful to human health, illegal herbal medicine factories," said the Director of Narcotics Crime at the National Police, Brigadier General Mukti Juharsa, to reporters, Tuesday, July 11.

From the factory, dozens of large drums containing hundreds of thousands of liters of dangerous herbal medicine were found. The herbs intersect phenylbutazone and dexametashone.

"In this place, the processing process, the preparation of raw materials to the packing process in the box," he said.

"As a result, hundreds of thousands of small bottles were confiscated, hundreds of boxes of herbal medicine were ready for distribution, and raw materials for illegal herbal medicine mixtures," continued Mukti.

However, the suspect from the dangerous herbal medicine case has not been conveyed. The reason is that the development process is still being carried out.

"Until now, this case is still being developed in this case," said Mukti.