Minister Of Religion Appreciates Saudi Government's Efforts To Investigate Masyair's Problems

Minister of Religion (Menag) Yaqut Cholil Qoumas appreciated the efforts of the Saudi Arabian government which was investigating the problems that occurred during the peak of the Hajj in Masyair some time ago.

Minister of Religion Yaqut said that currently his party is waiting for the results of an investigation from a joint team formed by the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) and the Ministry of Hajj of Saudi Arabia.

"We have conducted an analysis and the problem lies with Mashariq as the supply union. We have conveyed this to the Minister of Tawfiq and it is very responsive," said Minister of Religion Yaqut in a statement quoted by ANTARA, Monday, July 10.

The Minister of Religion's statement was delivered when he met with the Ambassador of Saudi Arabia to Indonesia Faisal bin Abdullah Al-Amudi at the Jakarta Ministry of Religion Office.

To Ambassador Faisal, the Minister of Religion revealed that his party had conveyed to the Minister of Hajj and Umrah of Saudi Tawfiq F Al Rabiah that while in Arafah, Muzdalifah, and Mina (Armuzna) there were several notes.

Starting from the problem of delays in consumption distribution, delays in pick-up in Muzdalifah, to the problem of tents and toilets in Mina.

"Currently, at least two meetings have been held and this team is still working. We will wait for the results in the next week or two. We appreciate the Saudi government to be very cooperative," said Minister of Religion Yaqut.

On the other hand, the Minister of Religion also appreciated the various facilities provided by the Government of Saudi Arabia to Indonesian pilgrims, for example, the entry procedure of Raudhah who used tasreh provides convenience to Hajj participants.

"The congregation is more orderly and has the same opportunity to go to Raudhah. This is very helpful. The conditions at the Grand Mosque are also more regular than in previous years," said Minister of Religion Yaqut.

Selain itu saat Pemerintah Indonesia memutuskan untuk memberikan hadiah tambahan zamzam bagi jamaah, kata dia, Pemerintah Arab Saudi pun membantu.

"This Zazam gift is a medicine for pilgrims who were disappointed with the service during Masyair," he said.

Saudi Arabian Ambassador Faisal bin Abdullah Al-Amudi appreciated the coordination and communication patterns carried out by the Minister of Religion. He hopes that Indonesian pilgrims will prosper.

"We pray that Indonesian pilgrims can return healthy and safe. And hopefully become a hajj evening," he said.