Lampung Manpower Office Investigate Elements Of Elevator Negligence Falling At Az-Zahra School Bandar Lampung Kills Workers

LAMPUNG - The Lampung Province Manpower Office (Disnaker) investigated the alleged element of negligence in the incident of the elevator crash at Az-Zahra School, Bandar Lampung City. The incident left the victim of a worker dead and injured.

Head of the Legal and Enforcement Section of the Lampung Province Manpower Office, Helmi Ady, revealed that there were two possible acts of negligence in the incident.

"Currently, we are still exploring who is responsible legally, because the employer is obliged to protect his workforce in the context of guaranteeing work accidents and the rest are still under further investigation," he said in Bandarlampung, Monday, July 10, which was confiscated by Antara.

Helmi said the Lampung Manpower Office is currently trying to ask the party responsible for carrying out its obligations to workers who died or who are still being treated in hospital.

"We are trying to fulfill the rights of workers, both those who died and those who are still being treated. So that today four people were examined, namely two security guards who knew about the accident. Then one person who was the driver who was at the scene at the time of the incident, as well as the head of the school foundation," he said.

Helmi revealed that the victims of the elevator fell at the Az-Zahra Bandarlampung School without being protected by labor social security or BPJS Ketenagakerjaan.

Therefore, Helmi said a number of witnesses were questioned today. "We are currently focusing on how to provide job safety protection," he added.

Helmi said, in the construction of the school building, the manager of the Az-Zahra School used a work system by appointing each person without using a vendor. The Lampung Provincial Manpower Office will also check work contract documents related to this matter.

"Because the system is designated individually, the documents will be seen later. It will be seen whether the legality of the work agreement is carried out between legal entities or individuals and ensure that the work agreement can be legally accounted for in fulfilling the right to protect the workforce, especially the protection of employment social security through BPJS," he said.