Arafah 1444 Hijri Cemetery, Sheikh Yusuf: Difference Is Not An Reason For Conflict

JAKARTA - Muslims must unite in their words, prayers and actions, and must avoid conflict, said Sheikh Yusuf bin Mohammad when delivering the Wukuf sermon in Arafah on Tuesday.

Syekh Yusuf, who has held some of the highest religious positions in Saudi Arabia, reminded the world that racism has no basis in Islam, citing a hadith of the Prophet Muhammad SAW.

"There is no advantage for Arabs over non-Arabs and there is no advantage for white people over black people, except because of someone's piety to Allah SWT," he said, launching The National News on June 27.

Sheikh Yusuf said: "God has forbidden among you the crackdown, looting of wealth and the violation of honor.

"Differences in language, skin color and ethnicity do not justify disputes and divisions," he ordered.

"God has ordered to "unit, love harmony and prohibit disputes and divisions," Sheikh Yusuf added.

The inspiration was translated into 20 languages, including Indonesian and broadcast in the original Arabic with a simultaneous interpretation of sign language.

Millions of pilgrims listened to the sermon and many more watched it abroad.

It is known that the pilgrims will combine their Dzuhur and Ashar prayers in a shorter form, before traveling to Muzdalifah, an open area near the holy city of Mecca, near Mina.

"It's very hot, but we're lucky to be here. Very blessed and we didn't waste it," said Eman Ali, a local pilgrim.

At Muzdalifah, pilgrims gathered pebbles for the jumrah-throwing service which began on Wednesday, which is also the beginning of Eid al-Adha which is celebrated by more than 1.5 billion Muslims worldwide.

Scenes of pilegrims in the Mosque Nameira during the 'Arafah Khutbah. #HajjCoverage1444