Make National Family Day Moments A Jump To Suppress Stunting

JAKARTA - Let's make the moment of National Family Day every June 29 as a leap to reduce stunting rates. Trust me, without a healthy generation, it is difficult for Indonesia to realize the 2045 Golden Generation.

"The superior improvement of human resources (Human Resources) stems from the childhood of children formed by the family. The big role of families to create quality quality Indonesian human resources is in fostering and fulfilling children's nutritional needs," said Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, Tuesday, June 27.

According to him, the moment of National Family Day should serve as a reminder for the entire community regarding the importance of families as a source of strength for the development of the nation and state. The theme raised for National Family Day 30 in 2023 is 'Together Family Free Stunting for Advanced Indonesia'.

From data from the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) in 2022, the prevalence of stunting in Indonesia has only reached 21.6%, while the Government is targeting stunting cases in 2024 to reach 14%. To achieve this figure target, it means that the stunting rate must decrease by 3.8% per year starting in 2023.

Puan asked the Government to make improvements and improvements in various sectors to improve the community's economy. So that the fulfillment of the family's needs for education, parenting and nutrition for children can be met.

"To reduce stunting, breakthrough efforts are needed, all of which are focused and must be ensured that nutritious food must meet the needs of children and pregnant women," explained the former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture.

Puan added, the Government also needs to intensify socialization about the importance of parents in setting aside money every month to be managed into a healthy food menu. In addition, the assistance program for people who are in need must also be further improved. The hope is that the fulfillment of nutrition for children and pregnant women can be fulfilled.

"This current toddler will become a productive force. To make it a superior generation, able to compete and have high productivity, fulfilling nutrition for children is very important," said Puan.

The first woman to serve as Chair of the Indonesian House of Representatives explained that stunting cases were found in areas with high poverty and low levels of education. Based on the provinces in Indonesia, Eastern Indonesia seems to be still a large homework for the government. East Nusa Tenggara, for example, where the prevalence of stunting toddlers is still at 35.3%.

"We will oversee every program initiated by the Government, either during the recess period when members of the council meet constituents in their electoral districts, or when we make work visits. And of course from the legislative side and budget support," he said.

In terms of legislation, Puan mentioned the issue of the Maternal and Child Welfare Bill (KIA) which is an initiative of the DPR. The regulation, which is being prepared with the Government, will serve as a guideline for the state to ensure that the children of the nation's next generation have good growth and development so that they can become superior human resources.

"The KIA Bill stipulates that every child has the right to receive balanced nutritional intake and living standards that are appropriate for physical, mental, spiritual, and social development. This is a form of DPR's concern for the future of our nation towards the golden generation," said Puan.

Not only that, the KIA Bill also encourages increased maternal knowledge about the importance of maximum lactation management. Through the rules that will be the guidelines for the Government's policy, the role of mothers to pay more attention to the development and intake of children's nutrition will be increasingly supported.

"The hope is that children will not be stunted. One form of effort is by providing exclusive breast milk to children aged two years," said Bung Karno's grandson.

Puan also invites every family member to support children's development starting from within the mother's womb. Including the role of fathers and other supporting systems in the family.

"People's awareness in building a happy and prosperous small family will be the capital for the growth of Indonesia's superior generation. Happy 30th National Family Day, let's take care of our children as best we can for an advanced Indonesia," concluded Puan.