It's Important To Note, Mother! These Are 10 Lists Of The Best Foods For Breastfeeding Mothers
YOGYAKARTA Breastfeeding mothers need good nutritional intake so that the milk supply increases. It also gives the mother additional energy and keeps the baby's weight stable. Some of the foods below, you can record and consume daily during breastfeeding.
Foods made from whole grains contain complex carbohydrates, including brown rice, wheat paste, and oatmeal. This food helps pregnant women feel full longer without lowering energy levels. Well, if whole wheat can help supply vitamins B, minerals, and fiber that keep blood sugar stable and digestion.
salmon is rich in vitamin B12 and omega-3 fatty acids. It also contains DHA which helps the development of the baby's nervous system. Salmon captured from nature and sardines help increase breast milk production.
Breastfeeding mothers really need minerals, this helps maintain energy. So you can choose beef as an intake that contains omega-3 fatty acids. At best, choose beef from cows that eat grass because it contains more good fatty acids.
Eggs rich in protein, collin, lutein, vitamin B122 and D, as well as folates. These daily simple foods can be served in a fast and easy process. Research reported by Sanford Health, Thursday, June 22, eggs will not increase your cholesterol if consumed in the right amount.
Vegetables rich in vitamins A, C, E, and K, as well as fiber, antioxidants, and minerals including calcium are green leafy vegetables. At least, you need to consume at least one serving a day. To enjoy it, it can be processed into various dishes, ranging from soup, smoothies, to tumus.
By consuming medium-sized sweet potatoes, breastfeeding mothers have met recommendations for vitamin A consumption. It is important to know, vitamin A is good for vision, bone growth, immune function, and cell specialization.
As a source of protein, good iron and fiber, nuts are included in your diet. This food has many minerals and phytochemicals that according to the American Institute for Cancer Research, can stimulate the immune system. In addition, phytochemicals also block bad substances from food, drinks, and air. Plus, it can reduce the type of inflammation, help DNA repair, and help regulate hormones.
Kacang and watch it like almonds and wijen, is the best food for breastfeeding mothers. The reason is, almonds are referred to as a source of good calcium non milk. Meanwhile, wisdom, contains calcium, fiber, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, and manganese. But it is important to pay attention to, if you are allergic to nuts and seeds, avoid eating this food.
Did you know that apricots and dates can increase prolacticine. Prolacticin is a hormone that tells the body to produce milk. In addition, apricots are equipped with fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, and potassium. While dates are rich in calcium, fiber height, and natural sweet.
Calcium is important for Mothers who are breastfeeding. So you can get it from low-fat yogurt which is also a good source of protein. You can add granola or fruit to get delicious yogurt dishes. However, if a baby is diagnosed with protein milk intolerance, then yogurt products should not be consumed, Mother.
اقرأ أيضا:
In addition to the top ten best foods for breastfeeding mothers, you can also add other foods. Such as avocado, labu seeds, garlic.