PDIP Waits For Puan-AHY's Readiness To Meet

JAKARTA - Deputy Secretary General of the PDI-P Utut Adianto said that currently his party is just waiting for the readiness of Puan Maharani and Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) to hold a meeting.

"We are working on it, if the date is of course waiting for the readiness of the two of him (Puan-AHY) to meet and have a dialogue," said Utut at the TVRI LPP, Central Jakarta, as reported by ANTARA, Monday, June 12.

On Sunday (11/6), Secretary General of the Democratic Party Teuku Riefky Harsya met with the Secretary General of the PDI-P Hasto Kristiyanto to discuss the plan to meet Puan Maharani and AHY.

According to Utut, the meeting was a follow-up after the name AHY was named by Puan as one of the considerations by the PDI-P to become a candidate for vice president to accompany Ganjar Pranowo.

"On this matter, the secretary generals met, I happened to be invited by the Secretary General (Hasto Kristiyanto) to accompany him," he explained.

Previously, the Secretary General of the Democratic Party, Teuku Riefky Harsya, revealed that his party was very enthusiastic about discussing the meeting plan between Puan Maharani and AHY when meeting with PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto.

"We are very enthusiastic about discussing the plan to meet Mbak Puan and Mas AHY, but we still maintain political ethics and respect each other's current positions, each party related to the 2024 presidential election contestation," said Teuku Riefky.

He said the meeting was in Blok M area, Jakarta, while enjoying a typical fried chicken food. The PDIP Secretary General was also accompanied by the Chairman of the PDIP faction of the DPR, Utut Adianto.

"We have relaxed discussions about many things, from the democratic system in our country to the joy of managing political parties," he said.

Teuku Riefky emphasized that the plan to meet the two young figures would set a good example for the younger generation and be a breath of fresh air for politics in Indonesia.