Hit By Strong Winds, Elderly Houses In Bogor Collapse

BOGOR - The house disaster collapsed again in Bogor City. This time, the incident occurred in Cijahe Village RT 001/001, Curug Mekar Village, West Bogor District. Meanwhile, the house collapsed on Grandpa Mukri's residence (63), which was inhabited by four people. The reason is because the building is already weathered. Head of Bogor City BPBD, Theofilo Patrocinio Freitas said, the incident of this collapsed house was reported to have occurred around 15:30 WIB, Thursday 8 June. "The cause of the collapsed building occurred due to the roof of the collapsed house," said the man who is familiarly called Theo, Thursday 8 June. According to Theo, the house collapsed covering the roof of the bedroom room, living room and bathroom. "There were no casualties," said Theo. Added Theo, for this incident, the affected family needed urgent assistance in the form of temporary Hunian (Huntara). "For the assessment and assistance of tarpaulins has been completed by the TRC-PBB personnel of the Bogor City BPBD at the scene," said Theo. Previously, heavy rain and strong winds also hit Bogor City on Wednesday, June 7, 2023. As a result, one unit of the house belongs to a resident in Dekeng Village RT 04/03, Genteng Village, South Bogor District collapsed.

Information gathered, the incident of the house collapsing itself was reported to have occurred at around 13:00 WIB. Where, the house belongs to a resident named Jeje which is inhabited by six people. "The cause is heavy rain accompanied by strong winds in the area, plus the condition of the foundation of the house is already fragile," he said.