Ombudsman Gives 3 Report Options Of Brigadier General Endar To Firli Bahuri Et Al, One Of Them Calls Forcibly

The Ombudsman revealed that there are three options for dealing with alleged violations of the code of ethics for removing Brigadier General (Brigjen) Endar Priantoro as Director of Investigation of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).

"Well, these are three options. Which one was chosen? The Ombudsman will continue to make efforts, consolidation, and preparations for later of course this will also be public information," said Ombudsman member Robert Na Endi Jaweng at the Ombudsman Building, Jakarta, Tuesday 30 May.

The first option, continued Robert, is to check through answers if the reported Firli Bahuri et al cannot attend in person.

"Or he is in a remote place, the Ombudsman could only use the process of whether the phone, whether the letter is correspondence, and so on. As far as the Ombudsman thinks that the information provided meets our needs, the need for examination," he said, quoted by Antara.

Furthermore, the second option is that the reported party is deemed not to exercise its right to answer.

"The second option is an option by then we consider that the person concerned does not use his right to answer," said Robert.

While the third option is the forced summons of the person concerned.

Robert explained, according to Article 31 of Law Number 37 of 2008 concerning the Ombudsman, the agency can ask for police assistance to forcibly pick up the reported person who has been summoned three times in a row and does not fulfill the summons on valid grounds.

"The third option is the option of forced summons, if the Ombudsman considers that there is an element of intent, let alone evidenced by a written letter related to the rejection of attendance. And also more than that, they even question the authority of an institution which by law is given the mandate to carry out this work," he said.

Furthermore, Robert said there were three reported in the Endar Priantoro report.

"From the public report submitted by Mr. Endar, there were three reported reports there, namely one is KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri; second, KPK Secretary General Cahya Hardianto Harefa; third, Head of the KPK HR Bureau Zuraida Retno Pamungkas," he said.

Robert also said the Ombudsman had sent summons for examination to the Chairman of the KPK and the Secretary General of the KPK, but both of them did not fulfill the summons.

Brigadier General Endar Priantoro is a former Director of Investigation of the KPK who was respectfully dismissed as stated in the Letter of the Secretary General of the KPK dated March 31, 2023.

The letter from the Secretary General of the KPK was addressed to the National Police regarding the re-handling of Endar Priantoro to the National Police institution on March 30, 2023.

Previously, Brigadier General Endar Priantoro reported KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri and KPK Secretary General Cahya Harefa to the KPK Supervisory Board for alleged violations of the code of ethics related to his removal from the position of Director of Investigation of the KPK.

Endar then again reported his removal to the Ombudsman on suspicion of maladministration and abuse of authority.