Jokowi Asks The Constitutional Court To Be A Fair Referee During The 2024 Election

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo hopes that the Constitutional Court (MK) can prepare to become a fair referee because Indonesia is now entering its political year ahead of the 2024 Simultaneous Elections.

"We really hope that the Constitutional Court will make thorough preparations so that it can become a fair referee for those with disputes, both disputes in the legislative, presidential, and regional elections," Jokowi said at the Special Plenary Session of the Constitutional Court with the agenda of submitting the 2022 Annual Report in Jakarta, Wednesday, May 24, which was confiscated by Antara.

Jokowi also encouraged the quality of the Constitutional Court's decision to be shown from the aspect of the speed of decision issuance. According to him, justice that has been delayed for too long is an injustice.

"We must strive so that we make the 2024 simultaneous elections a place to prove the quality of Indonesia's democracy, as well as choose trustworthy leaders to achieve the goals of the nation and state," Jokowi said.

In addition, he added that the Government is grateful to the constitutional judges and the ranks of supporters in the Constitutional Court who have enforced constitutional justice.

constitutional law, said Jokowi, is a key element of democracy, human rights (HAM), and legal certainty.

"It is not always the government agrees with the views of the Constitutional Court, but the Government always accepts, respects, and implements the Constitutional Court's decision. The government believes that our state life will be well organized if it is carried out based on the constitution," he said.

Furthermore, he believes that the Constitutional Court has and will continue to make the best efforts to maintain the Indonesian constitution.

"I believe the Constitutional Court has and will continue to work hard to maintain the constitution and oversee democracy, in order to bring a better life to all Indonesian people," Jokowi concluded in his remarks.

The Constitutional Court held a Special Plenary Session with the agenda of submitting the 2022 Annual Report. Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court Anwar Usman explained the report regarding registered applications, examined, and decided by the court, as well as financial management and other administrative duties.

"By saying bismillahirrahmanirrahim the special plenary session of the Constitutional Court with the agenda of submitting the 2022 Annual Report is opened and declared open to the public," said Anwar Usman.