Prabowo Supports Habib Lutfi, Who Is In The Initiative To Improve The Struggle Monument

JAKARTA - Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto supports the initiative of ulama as well as members of the Presidential Advisory Council (Wantimpres) Habib Muhammad Luthfi bin Yahya to repair a number of monuments to the struggle in Pekalongan, Central Java.

This support was conveyed by Prabowo during a visit to Habib Luthfi's residence in Pekalongan, Friday, May 19.

The Defense Minister said that Habib Luthfi had special attention to historical sites, such as the hero's tomb garden and continued with the initiative to jointly repair local territorial command, be it the level of military command (Kodam), military resort command (korem), military district command (kodim), and military rayon command (koramil).

"He has the initiative to improve. As the Minister of Defense, I support the improvement of the struggle monuments that have been initiated," Prabowo said, quoting Antara.

The Minister of Defense even stated that he wanted to participate in the initiative and complete the repair of a number of monuments to the struggle in Pekalongan.

The initiative, continued Prabowo, further convinced his personal impression of Habib Luthfi as one of the ulama who were very thick with the spirit of the Red and White and firmly supported the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).

"Our strength in the people and scholars is an important part of the Indonesian people," he said.

Before ending the meeting, the Minister of Defense gave a memento to Habib Luthfi, whom he called a dozen to decades old friend.

"Alhamdulillah, I have been in touch for a long time. How many years are you? It's been decades," said Prabowo.

The arrival of the Minister of Defense to Habib Luthfi's residence was carried out on the sidelines of a working visit in Pekalongan, where Prabowo had handed over 112 official motorcycles for the operations of the Indonesian Army's Village Development Officers (Babinsa) Kodim 0710/Pekalongan.

In addition, the Minister of Defense had greeted the residents directly while distributing at least 1,000 food packages to the community.