Don't Consider It A Trivial, These Are Pararel Parking Safe Tips

JAKARTA - When they were about to park the car, it did sometimes make some drivers feel annoyed because of the difficult conditions and conditions because they had to park in a parallel state.
Suzuki on its official website on Friday 19 May, gave some tips that can be used when drivers are required to park in parallel. This does require its own technique, the distance between the car in front and back is usually close enough so that it makes parking of this type more difficult than other types of parking.
To increase the convenience of parking in parallel, motorists can take advantage of technologists or parking sensor features that have been embedded in various vehicles including Suzuki.
As recommended by Rio Octaviano, Chairman of the Indonesia Parking Association (IPA), there are several things that must be considered when parking the car in parallel.
Make sure the location of the parking
While looking for a parking lot, motorists are required to ensure that the location is indeed required to park in parallel. Usually, there is a special marker of parallel parking that has been provided by the place owner.
When starting to park the car in parallel, make sure the driver knows the position of the car well. Check the distance of your car from the front and rear, and make sure your car is parallel to the car parked next to you.
Give a sign when you want to park
To provide a marker for other car drivers, you can turn on the sign light indicating that you are parking. This is done so that other car drivers can wait and not rush when the car in front of them is in a maneuver position to park.
Enter with backward first
Parallel parking will be easier and faster if done with conditions to push the car back and put the stern first into the available parallel parking space.
If you start parking in the front position first, it takes maneuvers and longer times to complete the parking neatly.
Use number 8 techniques
Using the number eight technique, it is believed to help park the car in parallel easily. Starting from the initial position parallel to the car on the side, then turning the wheel to the left or right depending on the location of the parallel parking and then walking backwards to the back corner of your car reaching the parking corner.
Then, turn back the wheel in the opposite direction and move slowly until your car is parallel to the parallel parking lot.
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Pay attention when stepping on the brakes and gas
Because the parking lot is not too wide, the Suzuki car driver must be more careful when stepping on the brake and gas pedals. Avoid stepping on the gas pedal too deeply so that the car's movement is not aggressive.
Drivers must be able to control the brakes and gas pedals in a balanced manner, because if they cannot be balanced, it is feared that they will hit other cars. In addition, take advantage of left and right car mirrors to find out for sure about the parking area properly.
Handbrakes if necessary
For parallel parking, it is necessary to pay attention to whether it is necessary to pull the handbrake or not, this can be adjusted to the surrounding conditions, road contours or can be asked to local parking attendants.
For automatic transmission levers, if it is difficult when the parking position is parallel to the position of the lever in N, you can see on the user's manual of the Suzuki vehicle.
Practice frequently
The more often you park your car in parallel, the easier you can do it. Regular exercise can help you improve your technique and become more confident when parking your car in parallel.