16,000 Pregnant Women In Purwakarta Become Free Ultrasound Service Targets

PURWAKARTA - Around 16,000 pregnant women are targeted to get free ultrasonicographic health services (USG) at public health centers spread across Purwakarta Regency, West Java. "The free ultrasound health service will be provided through all government-owned Health Facilities or public health centers (puskesmas)," said Purwakarta Regent, Anne Ratna Mustika, quoted by ANTARA, Friday, May 19. He said that this step was taken as a manifestation of the district government's commitment to improving the quality of pregnant women's health services and efforts to accelerate the reduction in maternal and infant mortality rates, as well as the decrease in the prevalence of stunting toddlers. Data from the Purwakarta Health Office, the number of pregnant women who are targeted to get free ultrasound services reached 17,766 pregnant women. "The Purwakarta Regency Government targets at least 80 percent of that number or around 16 thousand pregnant women to get free ultrasound services," said the regent. It was stated that the data collection process for pregnant women who are targeted to get free ultrasound services from January to April 2023 has reached 4,015 pregnant women or 22.6 percent of the set target. "We have instructed the Health Service and related agencies to continue to socialize to the public. We hope that the target of pregnant women who get free ultrasound services can be fulfilled or can even exceed the target," said Anne. Meanwhile, free ultrasound health services for pregnant women are carried out based on the Circular Letter of Purwakarta Regent Number: K5.01.06/890 of 2023, dated May 2, 2023, regarding Free ultrasound services at first and third trimester pregnancy examinations. The Purwakarta Regent's circular is made based on the Minister of Health Regulation (Permenkes) Number 21 of 2021 concerning the Immune Health Service, Pre-Pregnantal Period, Childbirth, and Childbirth Services, and Sexual Health Services. The Purwakarta Regency Government provides one-time ultrasound free service facilities in the first trimester and once in the third trimester at the puskesmas, for people who do not have health insurance (BPJS)", said the regent.

He conveyed that pregnant women in all areas of Purwakarta can make good use of the free ultrasound health service. "Maintaining the health of pregnant women is very important. That is our priority. We want to make sure the mothers stay healthy and the children they carry can