South Sulawesi Prosecutor's Office Arrests Buron Convicted Of Hajj And Umrah Fraud Cases

The South Sulawesi High Prosecutor's Intelligence Fugitive Arrest Team arrested a convicted case of fraud by a pilgrim and Umrah named Andi Muh Arwadi Muhtar Abbas who has been on the run since last year.

"The convict was arrested while in hiding at the Nusa Indah Hertasning VI Housing complex number 20 Makassar City on Thursday night at around 18:40 WITA," South Sulawesi Attorney General's Office Head of Information and Law Soertami told reporters in Makassar as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, May 11.

After being arrested, the convict Andi Muh Arwadi was immediately taken to the South Sulawesi Prosecutor's Office to prepare for the handover to the Makassar District Attorney's executor prosecutor and then carried out the execution to the Makassar Class 1 A Penitentiary.

"The convict Andi was proven to have violated Article 378 of the Criminal Code. He was also legally and convincingly proven guilty of committing a criminal act of fraud," said Soertami.

The execution of the convict was carried out after his decision was declared inkrah (permanent force) based on the Decision of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia at the Cassation Level dated May 20, 2022 Number 462 K/PID/2022.

In the verdict, Andi Muh Arwadi Muhtar was found legally and convincingly guilty of committing a criminal act of fraud and sentenced the defendant to a prison sentence of one year and six months.

Previously, the person concerned was summoned three times properly, but ignored and did not have good faith, making it difficult for the Makassar Public Prosecutor to carry out the execution. The prosecutor then reported to the South Sulawesi Attorney General's Intelligence Tabur Team to determine Andi Muh Arwadi Muhtar as a fugitive from the Indonesian Attorney General's Office.

In addition, the convict has been named a fugitive by the Makassar Kejari for more than a year since the sentencing decision was declared inkrah.

On the orders of the Head of the South Sulawesi Attorney General's Office, Leonard Eben Ezer Simanjuntak, the Ewako Adyaksa Intelligence Team at the South Sulawesi Attorney General's Office continued to hunt down the convicts until they finally managed to arrest him.

"According to the instructions of the South Sulawesi Kajati, he asked his staff to always monitor and immediately arrest the fugitives who are still roaming around to be executed for legal certainty," he said.

"Pak Kajari also appealed to all fugitives set by the prosecutor's DPO to immediately surrender and be held accountable for their actions because there is no safe place for them," added Soertami.