Commission IX: The Health Bill Does Not Remove Professional Organizations

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of Commission IX of the House of Representatives Emanuel Melkiades Laka Lena emphasized that the Draft Law (RUU) on Health will not remove the medical and health professional organizations in Indonesia.

"In principle, professional organizations are not removed. But there will be new regulations made, that's for sure. Professional organizations are not removed, but more than one will be discussed with the government to find the most appropriate picture," Melki said as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, May 10.

This was said by Melki after the General Hearing Meeting (RDPU) with the Health Professional organization and students in the health sector, Wednesday, May 10.

According to him, Commission IX of the DPR is looking for a meeting point so that professional organizations remain and can fulfill the wishes of its diverse members and synergize with the government.

"We want to convey to the leadership of professional organizations, it is better for us to discuss this, fight to convince members of the Panja and the Government with the strongest possible arguments. Don't let our health image be at stake, the community will also be harmed," he said.

In addition, Melki also ensured that in the Health Bill, the selection of foreign medical personnel and health workers (foreigners) who practice in Indonesia must be strict.

He said the competency standards of medical personnel or foreigners must comply with the competency standards of doctors in Indonesia, including the ability to speak Indonesian.

According to the Chairperson of the Working Committee for the DPR Commission IX Health Bill, doctors must be able to communicate with patients to avoid an incident of a misdiagnose.

"Commission IX and the government emphasize that Indonesian is mandatory. So anyone who enters must understand and know Indonesian, because he must consult a patient," he said.

Melki emphasized that during the discussion of the Health Bill, the Panja Team was open to dialogue spaces. Therefore, he ensured that informal meetings and in forums could still be held in order to accommodate all aspirations from various parties.

The RDPU was attended by several health organizations including the Medical and Health Legal Consultant Association (PKHMK), the Bad Student Senate Association. Health throughout - Indonesia & Indonesia Youth Council For Strategic Changes, the Indonesian Obstetrics and Gynecology Association, the Indonesian Pharmaceutical Society, the Indonesian Midwives Association.

In addition, the Indonesian Dental Association (PDGI), the Indonesian National Nurses Association (PPNI), the Indonesian Pharmacists Association (IAI), the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI), the National Police for Tobacco Control, Medical Education and Health Services Observers.