6 Body Effects Of Zinc Shortages To Watch Out For, Recognize The Signs

YOGYAKARTA Zinc or zinc is a natural mineral that is very important to maintain the health of the body. However, consuming too much zinc can cause various health problems, such as intestinal problems to vomiting. On the other hand, the effects of the body's lack of zinc are also very detrimental.

Well, in this article, the daily need for zinc for the body and health problems that may arise due to the lack of zinc. Read on to the end, yes!

As mentioned above, zinc is a very important natural mineral for the body. Zinc or zinc can help carry out many body functions including the immune system, wound healing, blood clots, thyroid function as well as taste and smell. Seng also supports normal growth and development during pregnancy, childhood and youth.

So, how much daily consumption is zinc needed by the body? Quoted from the AI-Care page, each person's daily needs vary, depending on age and gender. The following is the daily need for zinc based on age and gender according to experts:

Body Effects Lack Of Zinc

Still from Ai-Care, Zinc or Seng are natural minerals that can be found in daily foods such as red meat, fish, poultry, Goodminton and dairy products.

When you don't get zinc intake according to the recommendations of your body's daily needs, you have the potential to experience various health problems, such as:

zinc shortages are usually characterized by the following symptoms:

Is It Necessary To Consume Zinc Supplement?

When the zinc needs are not met by the food consumed daily, you may need zinc supplements. In general, zinc supplements help prevent and overcome signs of a lack of zinc.

The average safe zinc supplement dose consumed does not exceed 40mg per day, or is adjusted to age and gender. To prevent side effects and overdose, you should consult a doctor regarding the dose of zinc supplement that you need to consume.

The reason is, excess consumption of zinc can cause symptoms such as colds, fever, digestive disorders, diarrhea, and headaches. Linc consumption exceeds the dose may also hinder the efficacy of the drugs you are consuming.

That's information about the effects of the body's lack of zinc. To get other interesting news, keep reading VOI.ID.