7 Signs And Symptoms Of Frequently Improved Magnesium Shortages
YOGYAKARTA The lack of magnesium is known as hypomagnesemia whose symptoms are often ignored. In fact, it can interfere with health known as certain signs or symptoms.
The case of magnesium deficiency, may not be diagnosed because it does not appear until its level is very low. The lack of magnesium can be caused by various factors. Among them, hunger, certain medicines for chemotherapy, acute diarrhea, HEART bone syndrome experienced after paratiroin or thyroid surgery, and experienced by someone after stomach bypass surgery.
In addition to the factors mentioned above, certain health conditions also trigger the body to lose magnesium. Such as diabetes, poor absorption, chronic diarrhea, and celiac diseases. People with alcohol use disorders are also at higher risk of developing magnesium deficiency. Symptoms of magnesium deficiency, reported by Healthline, Wednesday, May 3, among them are as follows.
Struggling, tremors, and muscle cramps are signs of magnesium deficiency. In the worst case scenario, deficiencies can even cause seizures. Experts believe that the symptoms of the nervous muscles are caused by a large flow of calcium in nerve cells. This large flow then stimulates muscle nerve hyperstimulation. Although tightness is not only due to a lack of magnesium, but if you experience these symptoms continuously, it is recommended to see a doctor.
Mental health may be affected when you are short of magnesium. For example, if you behave apathy or numbness and lack of emotion, it could be due to hypomagnesemia. In addition, observational research attributes low magnesium levels to an increased risk of depression. Scientists have also speculated that magnesium shortages are also increasing anxiety, although these findings require further evidence. Apparently, magnesium shortages can cause nerve dysfunction and affect mental health conditions in some people.
Osteoporosis is a disorder characterized by a weak bone and an increased risk of fractures. Many factors that affect the risk of developing osteoporosis, including aging, exercise, poor food intake from vitamins D and K. The lack of magnesium is also a risk factor for osteoporosis. Lacks can weaken bones and also reduce calcium in the blood which is the main ingredient of the bone.
Fatigue is another symptom of magnesium deficiency. Keep in mind that everyone gets tired from time to time. Usually that means you need rest. However, severe and persistent fatigue may be a sign of health problems.
Another more specific sign of magnesium deficiency is weak muscles and may cause miasstenia gravis. This weak muscle is caused by the loss of potassium in muscle cells, this is related to magnesium deficiency. So, if you feel tired and weak, improve your healthy diet.
Research shows that magnesium deficiency can increase high blood pressure, which is a strong risk factor for heart disease. Although evidence and research have not been carried out further, some observational studies have shown that low magnesium levels can increase blood pressure.
Lack of magnesium is seen in people with severe asthma. In addition, magnesium levels tend to be lower in people with asthma than in people who do not have this condition.
Researchers believe that magnesium deficiency can cause calcium buildup in muscles that coat lung airways. This causes airways to narrow, making breathing more difficult.
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Heart arrest, or irregular heartbeat, is one of the most serious possible effects of magnesium deficiencies. Symptoms of arrhythmia can cause very serious symptoms. In some people, arrhythmia causes a heart rate and irregular heartbeats. In addition, the symptoms experienced include dizziness, shortness of breath, chest pain, fainting, and fatigue.
In more severe cases, heart arrhythmias can increase the risk of stroke or heart failure. In small studies, in 68 people with heart failure, magnesium injections significantly increase heart function. Magnetium supplements can also reduce symptoms in some people with arrhythmias.
Those are the seven signs and symptoms of magnesium deficiency that are often overlooked. Have you ever experienced it? If ever, it is important to consult a doctor and get the right treatment recommendations.